Captain America & Iron Man Face Off in the ROBLOX Battle Arena Event
A wise man once said, “The two most powerful warriors are patience and time,” but I doubt he ever met Captain America and Iron Man. Battle Arena has arrived and Cap and Iron Man are planning on working out some of their…”differences”… And while it is never great when good guys fight each other, at least there is some awesome prizes to be won! Strife Field of Battle Check out the games here th ! img
| April 18, 2016 -
Creator Showcase: LoneTraveler’s Hidden World
When you spawn in to LoneTraveler’s showcase, The Forgotten Hold , the first thing you see is the lights shining through the cracks of the windows. The light sets a truly haunting mood and immediately you come to realize just why LoneTraveler’s game is titled “The Forgotten Hold”.
| April 10, 2016 -
Happy 10th Anniversary, ROBLOX!
Dear ROBLOXians, ROBLOX is celebrating its 10 th anniversary this year. We are thrilled with our progress to date, and every day it feels like we have more and more opportunities to create the future of entertainment. We have seen explosive growth over the past decade, and I couldn’t be more grateful to our dedicated fans for their continuous support. The efforts of our talented team, along with the support of our enthusiastic followers, have made ROBLOX what it is today. Before I share some insights into what we have planned for the upcoming ten years, let’s wind back the clock and reflect on our remarkable evolution as we honor this amazing milestone.
| April 6, 2016 -
ROBLOX Game Spotlight: Roll Up 10000 Stairs For Super Admin Obby Dream Land Spotlight
Look, normally I’d try to win you over into reading the rest of the review by saying something cool about the game–but from the banner alone you should be able to tell what this is–it’s only the most popular new game to come to ROBLOX and it’s probably game of the year. You already know about it, but keep reading if you want to hear my analysis of what makes it so amazingly awesome.
| April 1, 2016 -
ROBLOX Devs See Huge Growth from Xbox One
One of the critical components to ROBLOX becoming the future of entertainment is allowing all ROBLOXians to access games at any time, on any device. In the second blog installment showcasing ROBLOX on Xbox One, we follow one developer’s journey converting his game and show data from his 1st month on console.
| March 30, 2016 -
My Games (Yes, YOURS) Comes to the Xbox One
The latest Xbox update brings more than just the usual enhancements and improvements to the Xbox app. ROBLOX is pleased to announce the inclusion of “ My Games “. For the first time in Xbox history players can upload their original games to Xbox and play instantly with friends. Setting up “My Games” is fast and simple. Any game published on the ROBLOX website will automatically appear on your Xbox account. Any updates published online will be automatically synced with your “My Games” place on Xbox . br
| March 24, 2016 -
Creator Showcase: Exploring the Seaside with asimo3089
I must admit, one of my all time favorite things is ocean side scenery. I guess maybe it’s because I grew up near Cape Cod and Boston but there is something very aesthetically pleasing to me about beaches and harbors and other various waterside places. So when I discovered both Crosswinds and Port Gloom by asimo3089, I have to admit I was ecstatic! Crosswinds is a beautiful beach showcase at sunset. You can take a stroll down the beach or nice walk through the woods, enjoying the gentle orange backdrop. The beach located by the edge of the forest and if you walk a little ways back, there is an absolutely stunning house, filled with incredible interior detail (especially in the kitchen) It’s incredibly serene and relaxing, especially with the added sound effect of gentle beach waves and seagulls in the distance. Port Gloom on the other hand, is a much more ominous looking showcase, however the same incredible detail has been poured into this world. Port Gloom depicts a small harbor side town on a cloudy evening (which sometimes includes rain!). The town itself is extremely well-designed but perhaps the most impressive detail are the amazing moving ships in the background! (as seen in the header image) When speaking to asimo3089 he mentioned that these two games were some of his favorites! ROBLOX: About how long did it take you to make both br asimo3089: Port Gloom and Crosswinds are complete opposites when you compare the time it took to complete each. Crosswinds was made a year earlier than Port Gloom and only took about 16 days to complete. 16 days is insanely fast for any game, especially a showcase! Meanwhile, Port Gloom was a monster of a build. Not only is it my largest, most detailed project I’ve ever taken on, but the game took more than 6 full months to complete. As exhausting as a 6 month project can be, I’ve never been happier about a build of mine. One full year later, I’m still really proud of how that showcase looks! Any interesting facts about these games in particular? br Definitely! Port Gloom wasn’t supposed to be as large as it was, in fact the game is currently twice the size than what I had originally anticipated. I wanted to go all out on this showcase, no limitations or shortcuts. Also, every stone in those cobblestone paths were hand placed and fitted. Those stones took a few hours to do but it was all worth it in the end! As for Crosswinds, there’s a secret way onto that ship in the ocean. I’d try searching the beach for something out of place! Which has been your favorite to create? Which do you think took you the longest? br Port Gloom absolutely took the longest. Although large scale projects are more exciting in the end, it can be really hard to stay interested over a long period of time. Large projects are a true challenge of how committed you are and I don’t recommend it to new builders. I believe in starting small and working your way up in project size! My favorite showcase to build was Crosswinds just because of how little time I had to work on it. It felt like I was getting so much done every single day and the build style was so colorful. If I had to choose a favorite between all my showcases, it’d be The Wind . I remember that build the most, simply because I met so many challenges in my first showcase that I had to overcome. It’s the showcase that started it all. Where did you get the idea to make these games through ROBLOX Studio? br I’ve always loved using ROBLOX Studio to build games. I picked it up on my own about 8 years ago. Before I even tried playing a game on ROBLOX, I tried building one. The physics engine really pulled me in and it’s where I got started. I spent a few years making maps and roller coasters before making showcases! Most projects start from inspiration I’ve found online of real life places. Crosswinds was focused on bringing more color to ROBLOX, along with something modern and peaceful. Port Gloom was all about making the best Showcase I’ve ever made with an older theme. How exactly did you go about making br I’m always learning about new techniques as I go. Crosswinds was a more spontaneous build with no mapped out plans in place. I think building without plans can be a great way to build showcases because nothing is holding you back when it comes to creativity. You can do anything you want! Port Gloom was a bit different because I knew I wanted something large, and something with a little bit of gameplay. I drew out the shape of the roads that I wanted and where buildings should fit in, along with some of the docks. I still wanted some creative freedom though and decided to not draw out any more than that. For both projects, I tried to dedicate at least an hour a day to building. I’ve always enjoyed throwing challenges in front of me because I love finding ways to overcome them. Crosswinds had the challenge of a 14-16 day time limit, and Port Gloom had the challenge of being massive and realistically detailed. What got you into building on ROBLOX in the first place? br I originally only played games, but as a young kid I wanted to build them (or at least test them!). I was always fascinated by how things worked, and that’s what caused me to get into any hobby I’ve ever had. When I was about 13, I was playing a different game and I was talking to a friend about how cool it’d be if there was a game where you could build worlds for other people. My friend just so happened to know about ROBLOX and told me all about it. I was skeptical because it seemed too good to be true. I recall signing up for an account immediately and giving Studio a try and I’ve never loved doing something more than building games on ROBLOX. Did any other builders on ROBLOX inspire you? br In the beginning, I didn’t have much building inspiration. 2008 was around when I joined and showcases weren’t a big thing back then. I definitely remember looking up to some developers back then like Defaultio and Stickmasterluke. These two guys kept releasing fun experiences on ROBLOX and I was hoping they’d never stop. I eventually got into coaster making thanks to StarMarine614 showing me the ropes of how to build one. Without coaster building, I would have never honed the skills to do showcases. Coasters required extremely precise details or your entire coaster would derail. The person who eventually got me into showcase building is Geico480. He’s an incredibly talented builder that guided me while I was building The Wind back in 2012. All of these people helped me keep building in the past 8 years and I don’t plan on ever stopping! asimo3089 also gave a shout out to Badcc! He said, “He’s a smart and talented programmer who really knows what he is doing! He’s always there to help me out whenever I get stuck on something!” Do you have tips for other builders who want to make games similar to yours? br Inspiration is so important, more than motivation in my opinion! With inspiration you won’t need motivation to start something because you’ll want to get started right away. I strongly recommend finding people on ROBLOX that inspire you because that is what will keep you going. Build the things you love and as selfish as this sounds, only build something you want to see. Chances are other people want to see it too, and the quality will shine if you’re building something you’re truly interested in. One common question I get a lot is what tool is the best for building and for that I’d have to say qCmdUtl by Quenty! Anything our users can look forward to from you in the future? br I’ve got two really awesome projects in the works and I’ll tell you a little about both of them. The first one is a Showcase based around a million dollar modern home. I’m aiming for realism like I did in Port Gloom and I think it’s going to be stunning. The challenge with that showcase is to build better furniture and other details in my games and I think this new showcase is really shining in those areas. The second project that should be done any week now is called Volt. This one is a game all about battling your friends with cycles that emit walls of light. I’m working on Volt with a user named “Badcc” and everything about this project is turning out to be very polished and fun. I’ve been promising both on my twitter account for a while now, but they should both be released within a matter of weeks! Look forward to asimo’s upcoming million dollar home showcase! In the meantime, be sure to check on Port Gloom & Crosswinds on ROBLOX today! Connect with us on twitter @RBLXBuildsBlog if you have games and showcases you’d like to see featured or if you yourself want to be considered!
| March 20, 2016 -
ROBLOX Game Spotlight: Before the Dawn
On this week’s spotlight, we check out one of the most atmospheric games on ROBLOX. I have never seen a better mix of particles, sounds, and gameplay that combine to make a truly unique ROBLOX experience. So stay tuned for Before The Dawn . br iframe
| March 19, 2016 -
Saying Goodbye to Tickets
Dear ROBLOX Community: In the next 30 days, ROBLOX will discontinue Tickets. This is one of the biggest changes we have ever made to our platform. While many of you will welcome this change, I know that many of you will be concerned. I want to exp...
| March 15, 2016 -
The Future of the ROBLOX Avatar
ROBLOX is built on the vision that our growing and vibrant community can create incredible content (games, clothing, groups) to power the imagination of millions of players around the world. We are constantly looking for new ways to empower the community. One area where the community is not currently involved is in the design and sale of key parts of our ROBLOX avatar. This includes body parts, hats, and gear. We have big plans this year to bring more community creativity to ROBLOX. The ROBLOX avatar represents your character across many ROBLOX games and adventures. You can customize your avatar with clothing, hats, body parts and gear. Going forward we plan to enable a 100% community-created avatar system. As part of this, over the next year you will be seeing the avatar evolve in incremental, but exciting ways:
| March 12, 2016 -
Creator Showcase: Matthew_James and his Simple World
For most of the creator blogs, we’ve focused a great deal on large beautiful showcases. In many showcases, there are vast, user-created worlds, that can transport users to places such as apocalyptic futures, Asian-style gardens, large oceans and so many more! Of course, these types of worlds as extremely impressive and it’s easy to lose yourself in them. Still, sometimes the best worlds are the smaller more simpler ones which focus more on details. Matthew_James’ showcase, Simplicity is one of these showcases. Featuring a small house on an island, it really does suit it’s name. However, one step inside of the house and you are met with a design full of intricacies. This house is full of small, impressive details, giving users much to explore, even though it’s a much smaller space. In this interview, Matthew_James discusses where he got the idea and how he got started as a builder on ROBLOX!
| March 6, 2016 -
Creator Showcase: Crykee Creates an Amazing World of Memories
I think we can all agree one of the most incredible things about ROBLOX is the ability to explore many different types of games created by users.
| February 7, 2016 -
Creator Showcase: Crykee Creates an Amazing World of Memories
I think we can all agree one of the most incredible things about ROBLOX is the ability to explore many different types of games created by users. Some users enjoy more interactive games and some users would much prefer to immerse themselves in a world where they can explore complex designs. Crykee is one of many users who has an amazing knack for creating elaborate worlds using ROBLOX. We recently discussed some of his creations with him, the main focus being his beautiful showcase, Temple of Memories ! With Temple of Memories , Crykee invites you to step into the beautiful serene world of Asian inspired temples and gardens, which he created entirely with ROBLOX!
| February 7, 2016 -
ROBLOX Game Spotlight: Gears Online RPG
Are you ready to explore dungeons with friends, collect awesome loot, fight hordes of ROBLOX’s fiercest monsters, and battle your way to the top? Well if you are, then look no further than this week’s spotlight–a new personal favorite of mine–guaranteed hours of fun: Gears Online RPG !
| January 30, 2016 -
ROBLOX Now Available on Xbox One!
ROBLOX enters a new frontier today as the world’s leading Imagination Platform makes the leap from desktop and mobile to the console world. ROBLOX is now available on Xbox One as a free download .
| January 27, 2016 -
The BLOXY Awards Air Live TODAY!
We’re less than 24 hours away from The 3rd Annual BLOXY Awards, and we’re incredibly excited. The BLOXY Awards are a celebration of everything you, the ROBLOX community, creates. From games, to showcases, to art, to videos, we’re honoring all the talented ROBLOXians who make our Imagination Platform so incredible. The BLOXY Awards air Saturday, January 16 at 10 a.m. Pacific (that’s 1 p.m. Eastern and 6 p.m. GMT) on twitch.tv/ROBLOX. The BLOXYs is more than just a show, we’ll be interacting with you on social media, and on ROBLOX. Here’s how you can participate. You can also check out the main stage built by Quenty if you want to get a sneak peek at the festivities. Remember that’s Saturday, January 16 (tomorrow!) at 10 a.m. Pacific (1 p.m. Easter/6 p.m. GMT) on twitch.tv/ROBLOX. We’ll see you there!
| January 15, 2016 -
Kung Fu Panda Smashes Onto ROBLOX
Everybody was Kung Fu fighting! Those Pandas were fast as lightning! Hi-yahhhh! Po and all your other favorite characters from Kung Fu Panda are coming to ROBLOX, and it’s a little bit more than exciting. Join Po and the Furious 5 in the search for little Bao, who seems to have gotten himself lost in So you want to be the very best? Like no one ever was? Well then a good place to start is to practice using your Kung Fu to chop down giant trees and craft stuff in
| January 6, 2016