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Creator Showcase: Crykee Creates an Amazing World of Memories

February 7, 2016

by OrcaSparkles


I think we can all agree one of the most incredible things about ROBLOX is the ability to explore many different types of games created by users. Some users enjoy more interactive games and some users would much prefer to immerse themselves in a world where they can explore complex designs.

Crykee is one of many users who has an amazing knack for creating elaborate worlds using ROBLOX. We recently discussed some of his creations with him, the main focus being his beautiful showcase, Temple of Memories!

With Temple of Memories, Crykee invites you to step into the beautiful serene world of Asian inspired temples and gardens, which he created entirely with ROBLOX!

ROBLOX: What inspired you to make Temple of Memories?

Crykee: I actually started building Temple of Memories after watching a documentary about a rich guy that lives on Necker Island. I wanted to recreate the scene that I was inspired by. As I started building the first structure, I noticed that it resembled Asian architecture and so I further developed that style. I am more of a go-with-the-flow type builder. I start off with one idea and develop it so much that the first concept is hardly noticeable.

It’s truly incredible how one small idea can spark an entire showcase! As seen in Temple of Memories, it has definitely been expanded beyond that one structure! How long did Temple of Memories take to build?

Give or take 45 hours. At the time, I started my first year at college in England (Aged 16). As I was studying computing, our class was given a booklet to write down projects that we were involved with outside of college. Luckily for me, I had just started Temple of Memories so I used it as my project as it fit into the 3D Modeling category. I had to record the hours spent on my project. This equated to 45 hours including scripts and other behind the scenes aspects of the game.

How exactly did you go about making Temple of Memories?

When making a showcase or a game especially, planning is key. You need somewhere to write down all of your ideas, keep track of updates and organize what will be done next. To this day, I am still using the project planning tool “Trello”. Trello is a user-friendly online planning tool. It has many useful features such as commenting, checklists and labeling. One of the most appealing features for me, is the ability to include others in your project. Trello is tailored to be used by teams and it allows for great communication between developers.


A close up of some of the amazing details from Temple of Memories.

What made you start building on ROBLOX?

Being inspired by other’s creations. I’ve always been interested in Art and after being on ROBLOX for 4 years since 2008, I knew the basics of building. I could appreciate other’s hard work. But at the time I had no idea that building showcases even existed. When I stumbled upon them, I was hooked. I loved the atmosphere and realism that people were able to put into their creations – something I’d never seen on ROBLOX before.

Which ROBLOX creations inspired you the most?

If I recall correctly, “The Wind” by Asimo3089 was the first showcase I encountered (2012). With the immersive atmosphere, alongside my love for the winter season – it was my kryptonite. After discovering the world of showcases, I soon found the jackpot: Elite Builders of Robloxia or EBR. EBR is known as the most prestigious building group on ROBLOX. At the time I think it had around 70-80 members. I visited each one of their profiles discovering more and more amazing creations which later inspired me to make my first showcase

Do you have any tips for the Builders starting on ROBLOX?

Working with a group of other people gives you a wider variety of skills and opinions that come in handy when working on larger projects. I recommend it. Make sure that you’re honest with each other and probably most importantly, have good communication. Make sure people know what you are working on, what you want to work on next and the vision you share for the project.

He also linked us to this post to share more tips for starting builders.

How have you improved over your time on ROBLOX?

After being influenced by EBR I started my first showcase. It was a swamp-themed build and I naively created it as an EBR entry. After getting some feedback from other players, I started working on more showcases, but never got to the point where I would call them finished. Throughout the process, I picked up a lot of new skills and techniques as well as developing my style as a builder. In 2014, I started frequently playing Davidii’s League of ROBLOX as I already had experience with other MOBA games. I noticed that David only had one map at the time. So I messaged him asking whether I could make a map. I knew that there was no guarantee the map would be added let alone receiving any reward. Around 5 versions of the map later, I was finally able to give him the map that is used in the game today. This was the first step I took into the freelancing world of ROBLOX. I then started looking for more jobs (doing them for free because I wanted to get my name out there more than being paid). During this time, I was nominated to join the Roblox Developer forums by a friend (I didn’t know I was nominated at the time). So I created an application (March 2015) to the forums using Temple of Memories as my main creation. A month later, I was accepted. From that moment on, ROBLOX as a whole changed for me.

A screenshot of Hexaria one of Crykee's new games with Biostream. Crykee stands by the idea of working in a team and community of other builders. Seeing other people work and collaborating opens doors for new ideas.

A screenshot of Hexaria one of Crykee’s new games with Biostream. Crykee stands by the idea of working in a team and community of other builders. Seeing other people work and collaborating opens doors for new ideas.

What can we look forward to from you in the future?

Currently, Biostream and I are working on a huge-scale MMORPG Card Game using ROBLOX. Some of you will already recognize this as Hexaria. On the 6th of September, we released the DEMO version of the game which allowed us to get a feel for how it would turn out. The game attracted so much attention that it hit the front page of ROBLOX and gained 1,000,000 plays 2 months later. We stopped updating the DEMO around 2 months ago to start planning the Full Version of the game. As you might expect, planning a MMORPG takes some time and a lot of discussion. However, now that we have finished the planning, we are well on our way to bringing you a next generation MMORPG and we hope you’ll love it as much as we love working on it!

Be sure to check out Crykee’s amazing showcase Temple of Memories and don’t forget to be on the look out for the full version of Biostream and Crykee’s Hexaria MMORPG! You can check out the demo here now!

Connect with us on twitter @RBLXBuildsBlog if you have games and showcases you’d like to see featured or if you yourself want to be considered!