ROBLOX Action Adventure Contest Winners
We’re finally done! Judging this event was really hard. The ROBLOX staff watched every entered video. We took notes and in the end it was a very close call for all the categories. p Five Best Motion Picture Awards a a a a a Three Best Acting Awards a a a See all the movies in one playlist! embed -ReeseMcBlox a
| July 6, 2008 -
Scripting With Telamon: Debugging
Howdy! Today’s article is for Roblox power users who want to learn how to develop scripts in Roblox. This is not a programming language tutorial - I will assume you know enough about Lua to look at a piece of code and guess at what it does. Rather I am going to teach you how to deal with buggy scripts and show how to debug them. Debugging in general is a mystical art - I use the word "art", which is the product of innate creative forces, in contrast to "science", which can be dissected, reduced, and taught. We’ve built some tools into Roblox Studio to help you though. strong We’re going to build a secret door. An easy way to make a secret door is to make a brick and set its CanCollide property to false. Anyone can them walk through such a brick. No. Our secret door is going to be special. It’s eventually going to guard the treasure room in my castle and it’s only going to let approved members of the Pirate Army through (Arrrrr!). Clearly we need some scripting here, me hearties. strong When I’m making a complicated script, I try to test it as I go along. I’ve seen a lot of people in intro programming classes try to write all their code at once and then test it. This is about the most painful way to write code. Don’t do it. Instead, write the shortest bit of code that you can test. Test it. If it works, add some more stuff. Then test it. If something broke, you know where to start looking. A more simple version of the door we want to make is a door that just turns transparent whenever anything touches it. a strong Ok, time to break out the power tools. If you have been scripting without these, I feel sorry for you. There are two that I will talk about today: the Output window and the Command toolbar. The first is by far the most useful, so I will focus on it. To bring up the Output window, use the View -> Output menu option. This is add a window pane to the bottom of your screen. This window will show the output from your scripts while they are running. If your script has an error in it, the error will be printed here along with the line number telling you where the script broke. Let’s look at both of these right now. In your new script, paste the following code: p As you can probably tell, this script prints "Hello world!", spits out the numbers 1 to 10 and then crashes on an error. If you press the Run button in Studio, you can see this. The output will look like this: p This is telling us that line 7 of our script is bad, which is something we already knew. However, in a more complicated script, it can be very helpful to print out stuff as the script is running so that you can see where things are going wrong. It may seem obvious once I’ve said it, but if something is broken with your script, start printing stuff out - rare is the bug that will not succumb to this level of scrutiny. I once wrote an entire operating system, using only printf to debug it. a p And if you have a part named "Door" in your level, it will be immediately teleported to (0, 100 ,0) while the game is running. This is kindof arcane, but I mention it because I have found the Command Toolbar useful on occasion. strong Here it is: p If you have ever seriously tried to learn lua scripting for Roblox, you have looked at some Roblox scripts. The code for listening to a Touch event should look familiar. Basically I have wired up the Part.Touched event to call the onTouched function whenever the part is touched by another part. When this happens, the door will turn semi-transparent for 5 seconds. Add this to your Door script, save your map, and try it. If you touch or shoot the door, you will see a nice effect. If you have the Output Window up, you will also see a "Door Hit" message printed whenever the door is touched. If you did not see this message, you would know that the onTouch function was not being called and that you had not wired up the event handler correctly. strong Like I said, this is not a tutorial on actually writing code, only debugging it. So here is the finished script: p It has one bug in it. Without using the Output Window, the only thing you will be able to tell is that the script is not working. With the Output Window, the problem becomes obvious: p Since the script prints out "Door Hit", but not "Human touched door", we know the problem is somewhere in line 18 or 19 of the code. The Output window tells us that there is a problem on line 18 - FindFirstChild is failing. Ah! That is because in Lua methods are invoked using a colon (:) instead of a dot (.) (all other languages of consequence use dots for this - curse the inventors of Lua!) Change the line 18 to be: p a - Telamon a
| June 30, 2008 -
Scripting With Telamon: Debugging
Howdy! Today’s article is for Roblox power users who want to learn how to develop scripts in Roblox. This is not a programming language tutorial – I will assume you know enough about Lua to look at a piece of code and guess at what it does.
| June 30, 2008 -
Action Adventure Movie Contest Update
b This hat is the prize for this movie contest. Isn’t it majestic? Read how to enter in the b Our Staff have already started watching the videos and are finding some really great stuff. Remember, if your video is longer than 3 minutes the staff may not watch past there - but a movie over 3 minutes still can win! We have a lot of movies to see. So keep it interesting! The contest Closes b Two ways to win this hat! 1. There will be 2. From among all the movies the staff will also pick winners for special categories. The winners will receive the Award Hat and $R 1000 each. In order to win the username must be listed in the YouTube movie’s information by the person who posted the video. There is still plenty of time to make a great movie! Talk about it and look for helpers on our -ReeseMcBlox a
| June 24, 2008 -
Want to earn R$ 20,000 for doing almost nothing?
No, this isn’t a pyramid scheme or real estate scam. But wait, there’s more! I know what you’re thinking…this sounds great, but how do I get credit for recommending a candidate? -BrightEyes a
| June 20, 2008 -
Want to earn R$ 20,000 for doing almost nothing?
No, this isn’t a pyramid scheme or real estate scam. Roblox wants to hire a Web Developer and a Graphics & Game Guru and we want a Robloxian to recommend someone.
| June 20, 2008 -
Action Adventure Movie Contest
Introducing ROBLOXiwood is open for business! We’re having a movie contest to celebrate. The theme is Action and Adventure. Be sure to read all the guidelines below to make sure your YouTube movie gets entered. An Action Adventure movie is one that has a thrills, chills, and a good story. The characters have to get into some sort of trouble and then get themselves out or be saved. Your movie can be an original work or a scene from one of your favorite “real” movies. Prizes! Two ways to win! 2. From among all the movies the staff will also pick winners for special categories. The winners will receive the Award Hat and $R 1000 each. In order to win the username must be listed in the YouTube movie’s information by the person who posted the video. Rules 1. Create an Action Adventure ROBLOX video. All entries must be a movie/video. You can learn how to make Roblox movies from our 2. Please make all videos suitable for viewing by kids, grandmas, school teachers, and your next door neighbor. No profanity or inappropriate images. Any video that breaks the 3. Videos should be between 30 seconds and 3 minutes long. Keep it short so the action doesn’t get lost in long scenes. Most of the footage should be ROBLOX related. 4. On your video page put the following information. 5. Contest Closes 6. There is no rule six! How To Win The winners will be chosen by the ROBLOX Team who will search for videos with all the right things. Videos must have been uploaded since the contest started (no old videos!), must have the ROBLOX link and june-action tags (and other tags), and must have your username. Most of all they must have Action and Adventure! This contest is subjective to the Team’s opinion. Not everyone will agree that your video is a winner, but we hope it is! p I can’t wait to see the exciting things you guys create! -ReeseMcBlox a
| June 14, 2008 -
Funny Movie Contest Winners
The ROBLOX Staff has finally picked the winners for this contest. Yay! After much debate we decided to have 8 winning entries instead of 5. It was very hard to narrow down the choices and we just couldn’t leave some of these out. In no particular order, the winning entries are… Max & Bob Visit Robloxia by strong embed Or click this link to see them all on Each of the players listed above will receive the video contest exclusive Security Camera hat and $R 300 split among their team. Winning video contests is the only way to get the hat. Are you bummed you did a lot of work and didn’t win? Well give it a try next time! Stay tuned for more exciting video contests to come. -ReeseMcBlox a
| June 10, 2008 -
Funny Movie Contest Update 2
There are now twice as many movies posted as there were last week! This contest is going great. Please keep in mind that NO WINNERS HAVE BEEN CHOSEN, but the team has started watching the movies and taking notes. There is still more than a week to finish your videos You can still enter by following the steps in the Here is a scene that made us laugh in em p There are lots of movies at the time of this post! You can check out all the entries on YouTube at -ReeseMcBlox a
| June 1, 2008 -
Like Clockwork
The illustrious (and infamous!) Clockwork runs - Telamon a
| May 27, 2008 -
Funny Movie Contest Update
The contest is going great! Tons of people (well, a lot of people) have already posted their movies on YouTube. The contest Closes These are some of the videos that have been entered. No winners have been chosen yet! There is a lot of funny stuff on there. You guys are doing great! The exclusive hat prize for this contest is the Security Camera. It will not be for sale… ever! Want to know how to enter? Please check out the -ReeseMcBlox a
| May 23, 2008 -
Funny Movie Contest
We’re having a YouTube movie contest and the theme is humor. Be sure to read all the guidelines below to make sure your funny YouTube movie gets entered. strong There will be 5 (and only 5) winners for this event. They each will receive the Video Contest exclusive hat. They will also receive $R 300. There is no ranking among the five. All of them are winners. strong 1. Create a humorous ROBLOX video. You can learn how to make Roblox movies from our 2. Please make all videos suitable for viewing by kids, grandmas, school teachers, and your next door neighbor. No profanity or inappropriate images. Any video that breaks the 3. Videos should be between 30 seconds and 3 minutes long. Most of the footage should be ROBLOX related. 4. On your video page put the following information. 5. Contest Closes 7. Winners and prizes will be announced within a week of the contest close. strong The winners will be chosen by the ROBLOX Team who will search for videos with all the right things. Videos must have been uploaded since the contest started (no old videos!), must have the right links and tags, must have your username. Most of all they must be funny! The ROBLOX Team will watch the highest rated and watched videos and pick the ones they think are most funny. This contest is subjective to the Team’s humor. Not everyone will agree that your video is funny, but we hope it is too! p If this contest goes well we may have more of them in the future. We think it’s great how many videos there are about ROBLOX. You guys are so creative! -ReeseMcBlox a
| May 19, 2008 -
The Survey Is Win!
We received almost 4600 responses to the Getting To Know You survey. That’s great! Now we will be better able to understand the users. Thanks guys! We learned some interesting things from the survey, like that most users really like chatting and playing games but not so much scripting. We will try to keep it all in mind for future updates. We also got some great suggestions… p The following 50 users received $R 50 each. They were randomly chosen from the list of survey takers. -ReeseMcBlox a
| May 18, 2008 -
The Survey Is Win!
We received almost 4600 responses to the Getting To Know You survey. That’s great! Now we will be better able to understand the users. Thanks guys! We learned some interesting things from the survey, like that most users really like chatting and...
| May 18, 2008 -
More Fun, Less Frustration
A new release is upon us. Its theme: more fun, less frustration. Building and playing in ROBLOX should always be easy and fun. We’re constantly working hard to make sure it is.
| May 14, 2008 -
Getting To Know You
We need to know a little bit more about you, the players. That way we can make ROBLOX more awesome and fun to play! Click the link and go take the At the end of the survey is a place to put your username. This is optional but we will randomly select 50 players who finished the survey to win $R 50 each! So go and take the whole survey! font -ReeseMcBlox a
| May 6, 2008 -
Game Development Internship Available!
Are you an code monkey? You could be having as much fun as this guy, all summer long, with a game dev internship at ROBLOX HQ in Redwood City, CA. You’ll get a lot of great experience working at a small game studio. Your work will be shipped to thousands of players every couple of weeks. We’ll even pay you. There will be cake. strong strong If you meet all the requirements, send us an email ( - Telamon a
| April 30, 2008