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A Message to the Roblox Community

June 02, 2020

by David Baszucki


Dear Roblox employees and community members –

It is a trying time for all of us right now. We have been through three months of battling a pandemic and enduring the many challenges of sheltering in place. Beneath the surface, people are struggling. Forty million Americans are out of work. There is a hidden toll on our collective mental health resulting from uncertainty, the disruption of our daily routines, and the tragic loss of thousands of lives.

Now, with the recent tragedy in my hometown of Minneapolis, we are faced with another occurrence of injustice against the Black community. Many people in our country have justifiably lost faith in the American dream and the prospects of a fair society. For Black Americans who have endured years of systemic injustice, this loss of faith is sadly not new. We are seeing people speak up and take to the streets to demand equality, and many of us are grappling with what to do to make our world a more just and fair place.

As I write this, the world seems upside down, and so I turn inward and reflect on the values that we embraced over 12 years ago when we founded Roblox.

Respect the Community – Put the needs of our community above our own

Take the Long View – Incorporate our long-term goals in every decision

Get Stuff Done – Have a bias toward action

Self-organize – Act autonomously

Own It – Own the outcome for which you are responsible

Roblox employees and our community are working collectively to build a civil, just, and respectful online society. There is so much more we can do. I know we can find ways to bring people together to learn and understand one another. My hope is that our community will take these learnings and experiences to the world outside, and apply them towards good as they become the leaders of tomorrow.

Please prioritize your self-care right now. If you need someone to talk to, please reach out to family, loved ones, and friends. If you are working at Roblox, you can also reach out to me, your manager, or your teammates. We are here to support you.

David Baszucki