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Honoring Earth Day Through Gameplay

April 22, 2020

by ThatDudeBee

Community Creators

Life can be so fast-paced these days that it’s easy to take for granted the beauty and wonder of the outside world. Even though we may be stuck indoors a little more than we’d like to be right now, these three Roblox games give players the opportunity to visit a virtual museum, climb one of the natural wonders of the world, and even watch as an ecosystem reacts to environmentally conscious decision-making. Learn more about these titles below and help celebrate Earth Day 2020 with the rest of the Roblox community!

Roblox History Museum | By The_Immortal

Museums are magical places that can transport us to a different time, place, or universe. In Roblox History Museum, The_Immortal brings that experience to your home.

Here you’ll find interesting facts about the natural world and its inhabitants. Have you ever wondered which species is the apex predator of the ocean? Perhaps you’d like to know more about the history of the great apes or listen to the roar of one of the world’s big cats. Take all the time you need to browse around this fun and educational game.

Mount Everest Climbing Roleplay | By Everest Games Holding

Climbing Mt. Everest in real life is a feat that very few will ever accomplish, but Mount Everest Climbing Roleplay brings the excitement of summiting the world’s tallest peak to Roblox—no oxygen tank or expensive gear required.

As you navigate up the Himalayan giant, you’ll be met with a slew of hazards including avalanches, crevasses, and the ever-looming lack of oxygen as you reach the highest altitudes. Finding success won’t just be up to you either. Along the way, you’ll rely on fellow players who are ready to help out in case you find yourself in a dangerous situation.

It’s a tough road to the top, but nothing beats the feeling of accomplishment when you finally get there. This action-packed dedication to one of the most amazing places on Earth is a must-play.

Project TerraScrub | By G00BLOX

For our final game, we have an enlightening entrant from the 2019 RDC Game Jam. Project TerraScrub shares ways, both big and small, you can help keep our planet clean and beautiful.

The objective is simple, but the decisions can be tricky. Along the way there’s plenty of food for thought in regards to the impact we leave on the earth every day. The immediate visuals following each response from a player add a wonderful touch to this insightful title.

We hope you’ll enjoy playing these games that pay tribute to the natural world in their own unique way.

Have a wonderful Earth Day!