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National Cyber Security Awareness Month

October 25, 2019

by Laura Higgins

Digital Well-Being

Did you know October is National Cyber Security Awareness Month? This is a great opportunity to remind our community of ways to keep themselves and other Robloxians safe online. 

We are aware that from time to time bad actors will try to hack Roblox accounts. To deter them, please choose strong passwords and NEVER share them with anyone—even if they’re a friend or they claim to be a Roblox admin or staff member. Roblox does not contact players directly, outside of messages sent to your account inbox from the official Roblox account. If someone calls, emails or messages you saying they are from Roblox, please don’t share any private information with them. Be wary of anyone who claims to work here, especially if they ask for your password, remote access to your computer or device, or ask you to go offsite; for example, to join a Discord server. 

If someone offers you free Robux, say no. This is a scam. They may also ask you to buy items or gift cards with a promise that they’ll pay you back. This is against our terms of service and you will most likely lose money. 

Be careful about trades that seem suspicious. If it’s too good to be true, it probably is. You can find out more information about the rules of trading here.

Here are some general tips to help you off Roblox too:

  • Use strong passwords that contain a mix of letters, numbers, and characters.
  • Install updates on your apps and devices when prompted.
  • If you have firewalls or ad blockers, enable them.
  • Consider adding antivirus software.
  • Never click on attachments or links in emails from people you don’t know.

We want everyone to enjoy our platform, so if you suspect someone of breaking the rules or behaving in a harmful way, please report them to us. Together, we can make the community stronger and safer.