What do you get when you put the tools and experience of Roblox’s own HQ in the hands of the best, up-and-coming developers? You get ground-breaking titles that change the face of Roblox forever. If you’re looking for a thrilling, cutting-edge good time, look no further than these three action-packed titles from our 2019 Spring Accelerator program: DarkBlox, Star Corps!, and Hero Havoc.
DarkBlox | By Dogs Studios: West
If you ever want to escape the winding dungeons of DarkBlox, you’ll have to duel its guardians. It won’t be an easy fight, but thanks to DarkBlox’s fantastic design, it’ll sure be a fun one.

But I don’t want to wake up the skeleton! That would be rude.
The key to DarkBlox’s superb combat is how smoothly it all comes together: fluid animations, sound effects, and controls flowing perfectly into one another. When you just barely block a sword swipe, roll back from a desperate lunge, and retaliate with a slash of your own, you’ll feel absolutely focused in the moment. Winning is a thrill and defeat is a punch in the gut, but even when you fail, you’re right back in the action moments later.

But there’s more to DarkBlox than just action. As you quest, gain levels, and explore the mysterious sprawl of the dungeon, secrets about its world and gameplay will reveal themselves. You just need to survive long enough to learn them. Think you’ve got what it takes?
Star Corps! | By K-4 Studios
The tutorial for Star Corps! is a high-octane space battle with lasers, missiles, afterburners, and barrel rolls, which means there’ll be about one second between booting up the game and having a blast. It’s an intro scenario that makes you lean back in your chair and think: “the game could be nothing but this, literally just this over and over, and I’d probably play it for hours.” It’s even cooler when you realize how much more to Star Corps! there is to discover.

See that red arrow? In about two seconds, it’s going to be pointing at an explosion.
The central gameplay revolves around awesome player-run corporations. Between duels with pirates, you can establish your own business interests within the game’s detailed universe and experience the prestige of being an intergalactic CEO. You’ll have a pretty big climb ahead of you if you want to become one of the greatest corporations in the universe, but with a little ingenuity (and a lightning-fast trigger finger) it’s totally within your grasp.

It’s a big galaxy…but there’s plenty of ways to stand out.
Business mogul? Fighter ace? Either way, welcome to the Corps.
Hero Havoc | By wish_z
When a nasty demon king invades your realm, you’ll need all the heroes you can get. That’s why the kingdom turned to you.

Sunny day out! Good day to go hero-ing. Or possibly havoc-ing.
Hero Havoc is a turn-based roleplaying game set in a world of vibrant fantasy. You join together with other heroes to battle the forces of chaos in a leisurely, tactical campaign of bravery and, well…heroism.

The fights can get a little hairy. I mean, they don’t call it Hero Happytimes.
The combat is crisp, intuitive, and fun; you can get the hang of it instantly, but there’s enough depth to keep you interested throughout the game’s narrative. But where the game really shines is in the details that make up its world. Take in the game’s peaceful landscape and you’ll feel transported to a realm of wizards, common folk, curses, and prophecies. When the water shimmers, the sun gleams through the treetops, and the townsfolk carry on with their daily routine, the world you’re saving comes to life.
Whether you want to adventure through a gloomy labyrinth, a kingdom in peril, or the boundless reaches of space, there’s a world for you to explore on Roblox. For more information about the latest games from our Accelerator and Incubator programs, watch this space!