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Helpful Tips for Managing Your Digital Well-Being

May 28, 2019

by Laura Higgins

Digital Well-Being

This blog post is part of an ongoing series about digital well-being and how play builds resilient online citizens…

Playing games with friends, socializing on apps, learning new skills, and creating amazing experiences together are some of the fun things we do online. Sometimes, however, things can get complicated and have a negative effect on how we feel about ourselves. When we talk about managing our well-being, we’re used to looking after our mental, emotional, and physical health so we’re happy and perform at our best. But keeping our digital well-being is important, too! It’s what allows us to continue leading healthy, balanced lives and still have fun doing the things we love online.

In the Ofcom report “Children and parents, media use and attitudes report” (2017), 69% of kids aged 8-11 reported that they were playing online games for an average of 10 hours per week each. Making sure the time spent is positive and healthy is vital to your well-being. So, here are some handy tips to help you create healthy habits and have positive online experiences wherever you go.

– Manage your online spaces. Use the privacy settings on the platforms you use. They’re there to help you play the way you want to play and stop any unwanted contact or people from sharing your content. For more advice on Roblox privacy settings, visit our advice page.

– Once something is online, it can be very difficult to remove it later. Anything you do and say online can be screen-grabbed and recorded, including gameplay and text messages. It’s hard to imagine that the chat you had at age 10 could come back to haunt you at age 16, but it’s possible if someone records it. Be aware of your digital footprint, and think about what you want people to see before you post.

– Don’t feel pressured to be someone you aren’t. There’s a huge amount of pressure to look Insta-perfect, be a successful YouTuber, or earn a million dollars as a Roblox developer. Always dream big, but also understand that often what people show as their perfect online life isn’t reality. It’s always better to let the world get to know you as you really are. So you do you. You’re cooler than you think.

– Balance your online and offline life. Walk, run, hang out with friends, get some fresh air, and have a good time. Look after yourself physically – take regular breaks, stay hydrated, eat balanced meals, and get lots of rest and exercise. Your brain and your body won’t be at their best if you don’t take care of them.

– The game will still be there tomorrow. Don’t fall into a habit of “just one more round.” One more round can quickly turn into an hour. Set limits and make conscious choices about stopping and starting so you stay in control of your activities instead of your activities taking control of you. Your parents will thank you for it, and you’ll find that you’ll feel more empowered over your decisions and outcomes.

– Visit our safety center. Learn how to manage negative situations, find out how to block people, and get help with taking control of your online experience. You have the power.

– Not everything you see online is true. Don’t fall for scams, and if something seems too good to be true then it probably is. And remember, if you see someone breaking the rules, report them.

– Be a part of the community. Roblox is a great place to meet new people, hang out with your friends, and play together. It’s the kind of community where everyone looks out for each other. If you see someone having a bad time, help them, just like you would do with your friends in real life.

– Be nice and others will be nice to you. It feels great to be a positive person, and you’ll find that when you’re nice to others that it’s infectious. When everyone’s nice, everyone has a great time!

Most importantly, HAVE FUN! Roblox is about the joy of play, about hanging out with your friends and using your imagination to build experiences for everyone to enjoy. If you look after your well-being and encourage everyone else to do the same, think what a happy and positive place Roblox will be!