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Video Creator Spotlight: AshleyTheUnicorn

March 14, 2019

by Orca_Sparkles

Community Creators

AshleyTheUnicorn is a dazzling YouTuber who’s been playing Roblox games, like Welcome to Bloxburg, for over a year now. Whether she’s designing houses, exploring malls, or making friends in-game, her videos grab our attention and make it impossible to click away. In this interview, she talks about her approach to video creation and shares some advice for up-and-coming content creators.

Tell us a little about yourself. What are your interests inside and outside of Roblox?

AshleyTheUnicorn: I’m just a typical everyday person outside of my Roblox world. I go to school and do “normal” day-to-day chores. But when I’m inside the Roblox world, my life becomes a spark of joy. It gives me the ability to be creative. It shows me anything is possible if you try your hardest.

We’re celebrating Women’s History Month throughout March. Which women in your life have inspired you the most?

AshleyTheUnicorn: My sister has inspired me throughout my life. I’ve always wanted to be like her since she is passionate and dedicated to everything she does. She has shown me to follow my heart. With these key things in mind, you can accomplish any goal you set your heart to.

You’ve accomplished a lot on YouTube! What are some lessons that have helped you succeed with your videos?

AshleyTheUnicorn: To never give up. It’s hard at first, but if you’re truly passionate about it you’ll keep going. Once you get in the rhythm, it will become the best decision of your life. Giving up is never the answer. Keep going, and soon everything will work out for the better.

What advice would you give to aspiring content creators?

AshleyTheUnicorn: Do something you’re passionate about. You have to care about what you are doing. When I make content, it brings me joy. When I’m sad I go make a video, because it makes me happy. If your content doesn’t bring you happiness, change it. Make yourself happy and then people will come naturally.

What’s appealing to you about Roblox? What are your favorite games to make videos about?

AshleyTheUnicorn: Roblox is unlike anything else I’ve ever played because there are so many categories with so many games to pick from. My favorite game has to be Bloxburg. One day I’m running my own mall and the next I’m making an underwater base. You can never run out of things to do!

Anything else you’d like to shout to the world?

AshleyTheUnicorn: Never give up on yourself! Be strong and independent, and follow your heart. Anything is possible, you just have to believe.

Thanks for talking to us, AshleyTheUnicorn! You can check out all her fun videos on YouTube and follow her on Roblox or Twitter!