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Rooms of Roblox: Small Spaces, Large Details

December 21, 2018

by Orca_Sparkles


When you enter a showcase on Roblox, a whole new level of eye-widening astonishment awaits you. Different from your average Roblox games, showcases are masterpieces of artful minutiae, with detail unlike anything else on the platform. You quickly realize you’ve stumbled onto something special, and the amazement continues when you realize there are many showcases to explore. Depending on what type of game you’re spawned into, you may find yourself in a room by yourself, or in a wide open field with other Robloxians. No matter where you land, these showcases are each beautiful, unique, and worth investigating in detail.

A Room (Created by Listwer)

A Room, by Listwer, is beautiful and minimalist, with many details to inspect. It’s a simple, modern space with few items, and may, in fact, be one of the smallest Roblox games ever made. By far the most incredible part of this room is the lighting. Sunlight peeking through the curtains illuminates the scene, casting shadows and depth from the window. To further execute the realism, small dust motes drift in front of your eyes when you glance at the light. The room includes several space-themed images, and a small lamp sits on top of a desk which highlights a picture of a rocket ship. The motif makes the visitor wonder about the hopeful explorer living here: will they journey through the universe someday?

Tranquility (Created by xJennyBeanx)

Tranquility, by xJennyBeanx, is another showcase of exquisite detail. The contents of the room give us clues to the era its inhabitants live in, with burning candles, a forge in the corner, scrolls tucked in a cabinet, and a cache of swords and weaponry. Could it be a blacksmith’s workshop? Though there’s more space here than in A Room, we feel a similar sense of aesthetic specificity in the artist’s work and physical closeness in the environment.

A makeshift bed at one side of the room is deliberately unimportant, as though the owner is so consumed with their work that sleeping is an afterthought. The forge is the brightest part of the space, and your eyes are immediately drawn to the flickering flames. The detail in the small area is stunning, and the beautiful swords make you wonder what the world outside the room is like. Is a war being fought in this place where so many weapons are needed?

Immobilien Williams v3 (Created by TheShipArchitect)

The largest of these three showcases is Immobilien Williams v3, by TheShipArchitect. White and bright, with classical music playing, this ornately detailed space brings to mind distinguished ladies and gentlemen, decked out in top hats, tails, and ball gowns. You can imagine the type of ballroom parties that would be held in a grand room like this.

The fine points of the space are so detailed that looking up shows you a ceiling full of art, and looking down gives you spectacular flooring which is art in its own right. Wherever you look you’ll notice new points of interest to captivate you in this heavily embellished room. 

These three showcases all highlight the emotional effects a single room can have on its visitor. You may very well feel the dirt under your fingernails after visiting the medieval forge, or the constriction of your corset after exploring the large ballroom, or the pins and needles in your feet after sitting so long at your desk imagining blasting off into space on your rocket ship. These showcases are so immersive, and the world of Roblox so powerful in its potential for detail, that the possibilities for both game designer and visitor are endless.