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A Very Roblox Black Friday 2018

November 21, 2018

by Roblox


The holidays are on the horizon, which means it’s time to bundle up in layers and layers of new items! From Friday, November 23, 4:00 AM PST until Tuesday, November 27, 2:00 PM PST, we’ll be featuring a dazzling array of items in the Catalog, such as hats, faces, wings, bundles, and more! As always, some items will be new, some will be returning favorites, and some will even be made rarer by going Limited!

Be sure to keep a close eye on the Catalog all week long. With 80+ items on display, there’s plenty of new looks to choose from. A variety of old and new items will be available, but some might only have a limited quantity or be available for a limited time.

Here’s a teaser of some of the new items going live in the Catalog this weekend…

New items are cool and all, but what about the items we already know and love? Crack the code in this riddle to reveal a few items that are returning, going Limited, or receiving the spotlight this Black Friday!

As Black Friday comes (and Robloxians cheer)

Five items, we think, will make great waves this year

What will you buy? What will be your investment?

The merriest monarch’s most festive of vestments?

A myth, tale, or fable cast gleaming in gold?

Or spikes full of spikes burning terribly cold?

A sharp rain that falls on your enemy’s bases

That comes from a thing kin to scepters and maces?

Or last but not least, the great prize you demand

That’ll get you ahead, make you grander and grand!

Of what do we speak? That is not ours to say…

See if you can predict what will come Black Friday!

We’ll be posting highlights and featured items all week, so be sure to follow us on Instagram and Twitter to be the first-to-know! From everyone at Roblox, have a happy and stuffed Thanksgiving!