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2017 Accelerator and Incubator Games: Part II

December 08, 2017

by OrcaSparkles


There are many up-and-coming developers in the Roblox community looking to get their game ideas off the ground. Thanks to Roblox’s accelerator program, these rising creators have the opportunity to work closely with our production and engineering teams to create the games of their dreams and give the community fun new experiences to play. For the second blog in our three-part series, we’re giving you an inside look at some awesome new games from FutureWeb Labs, BusyCityGuy, and AlgyLacey. Most of these games are in development or close to release! Check them out below, and keep them on your radar for 2018:

Deep Ocean, by FutureWeb Labs

It’s time to step into an underwater world with FutureWeb Labs’ Roblox game, Deep Ocean!

When you first load into the lobby, you’ll see a number of buildings stylized after old-timey ruins. Here, you can learn how to use your net and camera, look at the leaderboard, and shop. While the lobby is fantastically designed, the real joy comes from heading out into the ocean to explore.

Crossing the threshold into the deep ocean, you can swim through the water taking pictures of unique fish or capturing them (don’t forget to check your air levels!). Doing both gives you the chance to land on multiple leaderboards!

When I spoke to one of the programmers, FutureWebsiteOwner, he mentioned wanting to turn the experience into “a game that has not really been seen before on Roblox.” Though there are a few places with an underwater theme, there is nothing quite like Deep Ocean. As FutureWebsiteOwner admitted, this immersive experience required a lot of time and energy: “The infinite ocean feature took the longest since I kept trying different methods to figure out which would produce the least amount of lag.” The game is well worth the effort, with its massive environment and smooth gameplay.

If you’re looking to collect some fish and explore an undersea world, you can join the FutureWeb Labs’ group to try out the alpha version of the game. They hope to have the full game released in 2018!

The War Machine, by BusyCityGuy

Welcome to a new team-based war game, where your team’s objective is to capture towers and collect resources to survive the war! When the game loads up, you are immediately given the option to drive a car, fly a helicopter, or make your way through the terrain on foot. Having different options allows for more ways to explore this amazing world.

The War Machine is a multifaceted game, where you can fight, capture towers, and collect resources. According to BusyCityGuy, you can send resources to your team or keep some (or all of it) for yourself. BusyCityGuy’s inspiration for the name The War Machine “comes from the World War I collaborative effort of U.S. citizens and factories and how everyone worked together for the war, which was dubbed the war machine.” With so much to do, it’s easy to spend A LOT of time in this game, even if you spend most of it walking around collecting the different resources.

The hills and valleys look incredible and give your character plenty of places to explore and hide. As the sole creator of the game, BusyCityGuy mentioned how much he learned about building by participating in Roblox’s accelerator program. “Putting so much time and effort into the game in an environment where I could turn to someone next to me and get an answer to any questions I had was extremely valuable to me!”

The War Machine is currently still in development and will be available soon for all players!

Industrio, by AlgyLacey

Are you a fan of tycoon-style games and RPGs? Then Industrio is the perfect game for you! A mix of both styles, Industrio lets you build your own factory with machines, conveyor belts, shops, and more. Similar to a tycoon, once you start building, you collect money that can be used to buy resources, as well as more machines to upgrade your factory. The more upgrades you can procure, the more money you will accrue.

There are tons of places to explore and find resources in Industrio, including a town where you can speak to NPCs for quests, spooky caves, hills, and more. AlgyLacey told us they “are working on a large update which will add new areas to the map, introduce quests and a storyline, new structural items, and more vehicles.”

AlgyLacey is thankful to the accelerator program for pushing him to step up his game: “The help and gameplay knowledge which I received from 2blox2quit and the other interns helped me to greatly improve the concept and improve the gameplay.”

Industrio is currently available through paid access while the team continues to beta test the game!

Be sure to check out these games, plus the games featured in our previous blog post. And be on the look-out for one final blog showcasing more accelerator projects!