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Interview with Myzta, a Roblox Developer

July 7, 2017

by Rootie_Groot

Community Creators

From her stunning meshes and textures to her imaginative builds, Myzta has made dozens of creative pieces of artwork over the course of her six-year Roblox career. She’s one of the millions of skilled creators on Roblox, and she’s always searching for ways to improve herself and the community. We wanted to learn more about what inspired Myzta to become a developer and hear her advice for others who want to follow in her footsteps. Check it out:

What inspired you to start creating games on Roblox?

I’ve always been interested in designing games. I saw Roblox one day and immediately fell in love with it because I liked to be creative and make my own worlds. I used to join a bunch of building games and design little houses, but the one building game I liked ended up breaking. I had contacted the owner about it, but they were no longer on Roblox.

I eventually opened Studio and was like, “Hey! I can make a building game for me and my friends!” I used free models for my first attempt, which ended poorly because there were a few hidden scripts inside that destroyed my game. However, it got quite a few visits.

I really got into making games after a current friend/developer was looking for someone to create some buildings for their game. After working with him, it inspired me to learn how to script so I could make games on my own!

What are some of the challenges you face as a developer?

Like any new developer, I didn’t know many people in the community. I had to do a lot of my work solo. It takes up a lot of hours going back and forth between UI design, animation, 3D modeling, and scripting. Focusing on all these things at once can prevent you from truly becoming great at one thing. But I love all of it so much that I will probably never choose between them, haha.

I really do enjoy having full control over my projects, but I am getting to a point where having a team would be a better option. My visions are getting bigger and the hours in a day seem to be shrinking.

Do you have any tips you’d like to give new developers?

Stick to what you are passionate about. Every time I’ve been part of a project, money has never been enough motivation for me to show my true potential through my work. Those projects usually flop because I doubt the success when I am not passionate.  

Also, if you have been developing for ten hours straight and you don’t know why you are feeling the way you are feeling…avoid the coffee and don’t forget to sleep!

Have you made close friends on Roblox?

All the developers I’ve met have been super kind to me and they inspire me. I have a few close friends that I can’t wait to meet again at RDC this year.

Where do you see yourself in five years on Roblox?

I see myself with a few cute low poly-styled games out. I see myself improved as a game developer who is able to accomplish things more easily.

I would like to have been an accelerator at Roblox. My main goal is to just be able to do what I am passionate about as a game developer on and off Roblox.

Do you have any final words you’d like to say? Any shout outs or thank yous?

Just don’t settle for anything less than what you love and are passionate about. Shout out to Beeism for shouting out to me and “bee”ing an amazing developer.

Shout out to turtles and bowties. I would like to thank all the developers that helped me realize that I have what it takes to be a game developer.

I would also like to thank Roblox, because I probably wouldn’t know what I want out of life in this moment if it weren’t for this platform.

You can find Myzta on Twitter at @Myzta_. Follow her for more incredible art and development updates!