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Featured Sort Update

July 12, 2017

by Roblox


At Roblox, we love celebrating the incredible creativity of the community. Sharing the hidden gems scattered throughout the community – whether it’s through our various social media channels, the blog, the Bloxy Awards, or the Featured sort – allows us to help more players discover your work and ultimately become your next biggest fan. Starting today, we’ll be regularly updating the Featured sort across computers, smartphones, and tablets on a more frequent basis. This will allow us to better provide players with a fresh selection of the best up-and-coming games on Roblox more often, while also giving developers a greater opportunity to start trending and get a ton of visits to their games!

The new Featured sort, which you can see below, now shines the spotlight on a more curated selection of games that will be frequently rotated in and out. Check it out, and play some of these greatest hits today!

As a friendly reminder, all featured games must meet these requirements:

  • Secure: All featured games must integrate FilteringEnabled.
  • Safe Chat: All featured games must exhibit proper chat filtering.
  • Trustworthy: The developer(s) must not have any outstanding history with moderation.
  • In addition, featured games on Xbox One must adhere to the guidelines found here.
  • For a previously featured game to be re-selected, it must bring significant content updates or new technological improvements.

We can’t wait to see even more amazing creations from the community crop up on the Featured sort! As always, stay tuned to the Roblox Blog or our official Facebook, Google+, and Twitter pages for the latest news.