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Interview with EvilArtist, a Freelance Artist

March 15, 2017

by SilentBuddy

Community Creators

In celebration of National Women’s Month, we are interviewing exceptional women in the Roblox community. These developers, artists, and streamers are Powering Imagination™ on Roblox every day. Here is the first blog post in our series!

EvilArtist is a fantastic Roblox community member that has been creating art on Roblox for a long time. She is known for her charisma and caring personality on Roblox and Twitter. We’ve asked her a few questions about how she found Roblox, her favorite artwork, and more!


Do you have a specific story behind your Roblox username?

My first Roblox username was beasmaname. I made it that because when I was younger I really wanted to be a YouTuber, so I was thinking of catchy names and decided “Bea’s mah name” would be pretty neat at the time, hahaha.

Currently with EvilArtist, I wanted to get more into art stuff online, so I just went with the first adjective that I thought of.


How did you get into Roblox?

My friends started playing Roblox after we took the state test in early middle school, and I found it through them. They were playing this neat game called “Survive in Jason’s Underground Base,” and it was pretty fun!


What do you like most about Roblox?

When I joined, definitely the creativity. I remember getting enough Robux to buy some cool gear and I was thinking hard for a good week about what was the coolest thing to get, haha.


What’s your favorite Roblox game?

Currently my favorites are Flood Escape, Apocalypse Rising, and Phantom Forces (even though I’m not that good at it…yet!). They’re all super fun and addicting to re-play!


Your artwork is amazing! What got you into doodling and artwork?

Thank you so much! :> When I was a small kiddo, my mom painted sometimes and I just remember that being really intriguing to watch. I’ve always been drawing ever since. My family drives me really hard as well.


Why did you decide to draw/sketch from the Roblox community?

I liked seeing fan arts and how people drew a lot, specifically for the things they liked to watch/play. I rarely ever saw fan art for Roblox (or maybe I didn’t look hard enough, haha), so I did a few for fun and loved the amount of customization I could do with hats and clothing.


What’s your favorite drawing/sketch you’ve done?

I think my favorite one right now has got to be the recent drawing I did for the group “Trade.”

Can you walk us through the steps of how you created your favorite drawing/sketch?

Materking (the owner of Trade) held a contest, and it was ending in a day! I had to move it and got it done in six hours approximately. I love putting tiny details into things. Honestly, I don’t think anyone zooms in far enough like I do, so I think I’m the only one who notices, haha. In the end, it’s all worth it though~ I won the contest! 😀


Is there anyone on Roblox who inspires you?

Since I first joined, my favorite artist EVER was V_yriss (TheFurryFox back in the day). I gained my inspiration to draw digitally from them; their art is amazing.

Someone else who really inspires me is Lilly_S; she’s super awesome! An extremely strong person, friend, and duck queen all around.


Is there anyone who inspires your style of artwork?

Ninjabart22 all the way. I saw their drawing of PumpedRobloxian when I was a kid, and I was in awe. I strive to be as cool as that guy!


You’ve drawn many great portraits of Roblox avatars. What is it about these Roblox avatars that you enjoy drawing?

Thank you; that means a lot!! <3 Roblox avatars are creative, and I’m super fond of the initial blocky-body. I love that I can draw different hats, faces, colors, and clothes for sure.


Congratulations on the Bloxy nomination! What inspired your nominated drawing?

Thank you! I was happy to be nominated 😀 I was working with a team of three other ladies last summer for their upcoming game, From The Deep! I made the logo, which was my nomination; a whimsical, yet terror-filled cooperation game that takes place in water. You never know what lies deep in the ocean! ~spooky music~


Do you have any advice for anyone getting started in freelance artwork?

Work hard! You have to start somewhere, and you have to show your audience what you can do best. Find your audience in whatever site you choose, like Twitter, Facebook, or even Roblox! Rome wasn’t built in a day, don’t over-strain yourself, and if you feel like you’re worth more than what everybody wants you to be worth, you do you! Make art to make yourself happy before anything or anyone else! (Thanks, Max!)


Do you have any messages for all the female artists out there?

Show the world how awesome you are; if you love what you do, embrace it! Stay positive. Keep in mind that your art is amazing if you try hard to prove it to yourself!

The more you practice, the better you get with every new drawing; that goes for whoever is listening. <3


Want to give any shoutouts?

Shoutout to Whimzee for always, always, and always having my back! You’re the best around~

Another to Lilly_S for being a super cool and dear friend to me, as well as my favorite female role model here on Roblox!

Last but not least, WoodReviewer; thank you for your efforts to make Roblox a better, graceful grained woody place.


Have any awesome new drawings you’re working on that you’d like to share with us?

I’ve been on and off on this one!

Also a few big drawings that I’m not allowed to share just yet! 😉

Thank you for letting us interview you! You can find EvilArtist on Twitter at @EvilArtist_ to see what all the hype is about!

Stay tuned for more interviews with women of the Roblox community for our month-long series!