We are proud to unveil the new Roblox Avatar Editor, now available for iOS and Android smartphones and coming soon to tablets and consoles.
Built from the ground up, the new Avatar Editor is designed to be sophisticated and simple-to-use. We’ve taken everything you know about our current system for desktop and re-tuned the flow of avatar editing to create a more streamlined, native experience on phones.

The team spent months meticulously exploring how we could modernize the experience. We came up with some elegant solutions, as detailed below.
Design process and features brief
One of our main priorities was designing an intuitive, aesthetically-pleasing experience. By splitting the screen horizontally, it allowed us to present a more cinematic environment where you could watch your avatar evolve right before your eyes. Everything from trying on new clothes, adding new accessories, or picking out different colors for your avatar is easier and more appealing with our new interface. We think you’ll be pleased with the results.
The touch gestures were also designed with a user-friendly approach. Swiping horizontally allows you to browse specific categories, from hats to colors, while swiping vertically lets you skim through content. Simply tap on the clothing item, accessory, or gear you want to equip, and presto – it’s immediately rendered in 3D in real-time on your avatar. If you don’t like your new style, we added a “Recent” category so you can easily revert back to your previous choices. You can also quickly switch back and forth between the R6 avatar to the R15 avatar to compare how your clothes, accessories, and gear look on each rig. And, of course, you can double tap or swipe up on your avatar to zoom in and rotate it 360 degrees.
Last but not least…
By the way, in the Roblox mobile app, you’ll notice that the “Friends” icon on the bottom navigation bar has been replaced by the Avatar Editor. You can still find a list of your friends by tapping “More.”
And finally, a cool tidbit for our perceptive community members – the 3D representation in the Avatar Editor was made in Roblox! It is the first Roblox “game” that can be played in portrait mode, which goes to show that the potential is there for more portrait-oriented experiences in the future.
As we continue working on bringing this newly improved Avatar Editor to tablets and consoles, we welcome your feedback and hope you enjoy the new functionality. Try it out, and let us know what you think!