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At Roblox, we strive to ensure that your developing experience is as robust and as convenient as possible. If you’re an up-and-coming game developer, one of the core features we offer is an ability to sell purchasable items so that you can be rewarded for all of your hard work with real-world currency. When someone buys an item in your game, you can receive the profits as part of our Developer Exchange program!
We often hear from our developers that they would like a more user-friendly way to test in-game purchases. We’re more than happy to oblige. From now on, you will no longer be required to spend your own Robux when testing in-game purchases in Studio!
This gives you the flexibility to confirm that your games handle purchases correctly. For those of you who are just starting to dive into learning how to monetize your game, this is a great way to test purchases without having to bear the cost. Now, whenever you try to buy an item in your game while in Studio, a dialog box will appear telling you that no Robux will be deducted from your account because it is only a test purchase. Go try it out!

For more information, check out this thread on our developer forum. Let us know if you have any feedback by posting a comment below! Stay tuned for more exciting news coming soon.