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Nominations for the 2015 BLOXY Awards are Open!

December 8, 2015

by jackintheblox


The 2015 BLOXY Awards, a celebration of the talented creators in our community, takes place on January 16, 2016. This livestreamed event honors and showcases the coolest ROBLOX games and places, the funniest videos, the most impressive groups, and more. In years past we’ve held separate awards for games and video content, but this year we decided to combine them, and expand them, making the 2015 BLOXYs the biggest award ceremony we’ve ever done.

Nominations for this year’s awards are now officially open, and you can elect your favorite games, groups, videos and more. The link to the entry form is down below, and nominations are open until Sunday, December 13.

Two categories, Breakout Game and Best Update need to be for games that were either created/updated in 2015. This is also true for art and videos. For EVERY other award category, all games are eligible.

To nominate a game, YouTube video, piece of art, or whatever, simply copy paste the URL into the entry form in the corresponding box. The image below provides a guideline.


These are just examples. You can’t nominate anything made by ROBLOX or its employees.

Got it? Pretty easy! You don’t need to nominate entries in every category, so no worries there. But you can only nominate once so make sure you fill in everything you want before you submit. Forgot the categories? Check the announcement blog for a refresher.

And that’s about it. Have fun nominating entries, and if you’re a content creator we highly encourage you to promote yourself and your content (more nominations mean more likelihood you’ll be a finalist!) Use the hashtag #BLOXYAwards and join the discussion!

 Click here to go to the 2015 BLOXY Awards Nomination Page.