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Search for Hidden Items in View-Master Games on ROBLOX

November 4, 2015

by BrightEyes


ROBLOX and View-Master are teaming up to bring a new perspective to some classic games. Keep an eye out for the hidden items in each game and collect them to earn some awesome badges that show just what a master of viewing things you are! And if you collect all three badges you’ll be rewarded a really cool (but really secret) grand prize!

Travel and explore in World Expedition and see if you can spot an out of place landmark to earn the View-Master Destinations Badge!

Seek the hidden wildlife in Hide and Seek Extreme to earn the View-Master Wildlife Badge!

Keep a lookout for a space ship, which shouldn’t be that hard when you think about it, while you are competing in Dodgeball for the View-Master Space Badge!

If you collect all three badges you’ll be rewarded with an awesome Grand Prize once this Virtual Party finally comes to a close! And be sure to check out some fun View-Master gear in the Catalog too, each one has a different ability!


Explore the games here and be sure to get a View-Master of your own so you can get in on the virtual reality fun in regular reality not just in virtual…well you get the idea!