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Announcing The Endless Summer Camp Out All Night Livestreaming Event!

August 20, 2015

by jackintheblox


Here in the US, Labor Day typically marks the end of summer vacation. Many school districts start back up after Labor Day, and it’s culturally when summer is considered done, and we all have to go back to the real world. But ROBLOX isn’t going to just let summer end like that! No way! Before summer leaves us, we’re having one last hurrah with our spectacular event: The ROBLOX Endless Summer Camp Out!

The Low Down

  • What: An all night interactive livestreaming event.
  • When: Friday September 4 at 4 p.m. Pacific to Saturday September 5 at 9 a.m. Pacific
  • Who: Your favorite admins, creators of top ROBLOX games, and YOU.

It’s not just an extra long livestream, though. We want to make this the biggest livestreaming event ROBLOX has ever done, so we’re pulling out all the stops. We’re going to have tons of guests, both admins and members of the community. Plus we’re doing something we’ve never done before: we’re channeling the entire ROBLOX community to try and break a couple ROBLOX records.


Breaking ROBLOX Records?

During the course of the Camp Out stream, we’ll have our special event space on ROBLOX open to the public. This interactive space is a place you can hang out in with other stream viewers, and influence the show. Players hanging out in the Camp Out space will get to vote on which games we play, will be featured live on air, and have the opportunity to earn prizes! During the stream we’ll be trying to break the record for the most visits to any one place in a 12 hour period, and as an added incentive, every ROBLOX player who enters the Camp Out place will receive a badge and a special Endless Summer Camp Out Bear Hat! Plus we’ll be awarding special prizes to the ROBLOX players who hang out with us the longest.

A sneak peek of the interactive campground where you can hang out with us!

A sneak peek of the interactive campground where you can hang out with us!


This is Awesome, How Can I Participate?!

Great question! We’re looking for Twitch streamers to hang out with us on camera and play some games. We’ll be going for a long time, so there are plenty of opportunities to bring on guests, and game some games with the awesome ROBLOX community. Specifically, we’re looking for groups of ROBLOX friends who are also having all night camp outs and sleepovers.

If you’d like to participate, head over to our sign up page and fill in your ROBLOX username, and the times you’re available for streaming, like so:

Just fill in your username, and select the times you're available!

Just fill in your username, and select the times you’re available!

We’ll be contacting people in the next two weeks to schedule times, so if you’re interested sign up early!

We’re really excited to be hosting this event, and we hope it’ll be an awesome way to cap off an amazing summer. We hope to see all of you there. Mark it on your calendars (September 4th starting at 4 p.m. Pacific!), and tell your friends so you can organize your own hang out and be on air with us!