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The 2015 BLOXY Awards Are Coming!

July 22, 2015

by Jack "jackintheblox" Hendrik

Archive News

UPDATE: In our excitement to announce the BLOXY Awards, we accidentally left off a couple of important awards from our list, namely Best Action Video, Best Music Video, and Video of the Year! Check the list for the new, updated category list!

The BLOXY Awards are a celebration of the talented creators in our community, showcasing the coolest ROBLOX games and places, the funniest videos, the most impressive groups, and more. In years past we’ve held separate awards for games and video content, but this year we decided to combine them, and expand them, making the 2015 BLOXYs the biggest award ceremony we’ve ever done.

The 2015 BLOXY Awards ceremony will take place on January 16, 2016. We’ll have more info on how you can watch the show (which will be live streamed), and how you may even be able to attend!

We’ll open up for nominations in December, and the ROBLOX community will vote on the winners in each category. We’re sharing the categories with everyone so that all of you out there working on games, showcases, machinima, and other videos can decide where to focus their energy.

So without further adieu, here are the categories for the 2015 BLOXY Awards:


ROBLOX Community

  • Favorite Clothing Company
  • Favorite Battle Group
  • Favorite Social Group

ROBLOX Creators

  • Best YouTube Channel
  • Best Comedic RBLX Video
  • Best Action RBLX Video
  • Best Music Video
  • Best Fan Art
  • Best GIF
  • Best RBLX Live Streamer

ROBLOX Builders

  • Favorite Map
  • Favorite Showcase
  • Favorite Use of Features Released in 2015 (Smooth Terrain, Neon, Custom Particles, etc.)

ROBLOX Developers

  • Favorite Breakout Game
  • Favorite Updated Game
  • Hardest ROBLOX level
  • Best Boss Villain
  • Best Single Player Game
  • Best Team Based Multi-player Game
  • Best Free-For-All Multi-player Game
  • Game You’ve Spent the Most Hours Playing
  • Best Art Direction in a Game
  • Best Mobile Game


  • Developer of the Year
  • Builder of the Year
  • Game of the Year
  • Video of the Year

Now because ROBLOX is an ever changing ecosystem of games, and individual games can change drastically over their lifespan, EVERY game is eligible for these awards, not just games created this year. For videos and art, nominations are limited to stuff made on or after January 1, 2015.

We’ll have more information on the BLOXY Awards, and how you can enter your game, art, group, or video. In the meantime, get out there and start creating. And if you’ve already made something awesome, share it with the community!