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The ROBLOXworld Smooth Terrain Contest Winners!

June 30, 2015

by jackintheblox


The ROBLOXworld Smooth Terrain Contest has come to a close, and we’re incredibly thrilled to announce the winners.

The thousands of entries were whittled down to 150 finalists, and the ROBLOX community voted for their favorites. We saw amazing entries showcasing places all over the world, from users all over the world!

All 150 finalists are going to receive a special ROBLOXworld trophy, and the winner/honorable mentions will receive ROBUX prizes. The first place winners for each bracket will be featured on tomorrow’s episode of The Next Level, so don’t miss it!

So without further ado, let’s get on to the winners!

Under 15 Bracket

The Under 15 bracket is chock full of the most talented up and coming builders on ROBLOX. Keep an eye on these ROBLOXians, they’re mad talented.

Honorable Mentions – 1,000 ROBUX

Huge thanks to the honorable mentions.

Now for winners! Click the image to be taken to their place and experience it yourself!

Third Place – 2,500 ROBUX

User iamsogoingtopwnyou made the Waitomo Glowworm Caves in New Zealand come to life!

User iamsogoingtopwnyou made the Waitomo Glowworm Caves in New Zealand come to life!


Second Place – 5,000 ROBUX

The Angel Falls,  the worlds highest waterfall, got a gorgeous ROBLOX version by FauxHawke.

The Angel Falls, the worlds highest waterfall, got a gorgeous ROBLOX version by FauxHawke.


And drum roll please….

The winner of the 15 and Under bracket



First Place – 10,000 ROBUX

Battlecruiser12's beautifully serene representation of the Tianzi Mountain in Zhangjiajie, China totally blew us away.

Battlecruiser12’s beautifully serene representation of the Tianzi Mountain in Zhangjiajie, China totally blew us away.

Congratulations to all of the winners in the Under 15 bracket! It’s awesome to see such amazing talent from some of our younger ROBLOXians. Remember, we’ll be checking out Battlecruiser12’s place Wednesday, July 1 on The Next Level, our weekly Twitch show.

And now, on to the next bracket.

15 and Up Bracket

The 15 and up bracket had a larger share of entries, from users that we recognize, and many new faces. A lot of these ROBLOXians challenged and pushed the limits of what Smooth terrain is capable of.

Honorable Mentions – 1,000 ROBUX

Again, congratulations to the honorable mentions. There are so many great places, it was so hard to choose!

And on to the winners! Click the image to be taken to their place and experience it yourself!

Third Place – 2,500 ROBUX

Stuntman007 showcased the grandeur of the Canadian Rockies, as well as the Canadian Pacific rail line!

Stuntman007 displayed the grandeur of the Canadian Rockies, as well as the Canadian Pacific rail line!


Second Place – 5,000 ROBUX

Nicole 51 showcased the massive Iguazu Falls that split the Iguazu river between Brazil and Argentina. Amazing!

Nicole 51 showcased the massive Iguazu Falls that split the Iguazu river between Brazil and Argentina. Amazing!

Are you ready?

Here we go.

The winner is…

First Place – 10,000 ROBUX

We were amazed by eestikunn10eku's recreation of Mexico's Cenotes Suytun, an underground, stalactite speckled cavern with a huge freshwater pool inside. It's truly incredible.

We were amazed by eestikunn10eku’s recreation of Mexico’s Cenotes Suytun, an underground, stalactite speckled cavern with a huge freshwater pool inside. It’s truly incredible.


There you have it. Your winners of the ROBLOXworld Smooth Terrain Contest! These are amazing places, the amount of detail and love in these really comes through. Congratulations to all of you, and we can’t wait to show you eestinkun10eku’s entry tomorrow on The Next Level.

Winners, keep an eye on your inboxes, we’ll alert you when we award your prizes and ROBUX.

Thanks again to everyone who entered. And to finish, a huge shoutout to all 150 finalists who had their pieces showcased:

Bobjohn10, ccacti, TheAstraVirus, FluffyKillah, IWantToEatYouNOW, duncan778, legoyoda99, Lucas99884, DashingZowie11, chartoonnetwork, SSkid101, JordanR51, Umadbro432, BezelLess, Mewy118, DeinoTheChild, bf4procool, ta28, TrIllestJess, darkluigiturd, reptiledude10, iKaleidoscope, zonepuppy, rany100, 73EPIC311, theEpicSide987654321, BELLIxNICK, JakeTheNewb, nate0590, DipMan615, aero9497, CaptainFowl, Eppu10, Toddhunter15, HolidayPwner, nassu93, xiiDopeeNickixii, NostraCZ, QuantumRemix, anv1221, ziplocBag, OKevinO, udayk8139, HCAC, JaysonBellen, Zincz, ShareYourProfanity, kingperiodic, BinaryBlue, Busydj, EliteZamb, Scottie3, JakeFromStareFarm, agentluc43, 0516Ian, checkmater123, odkal, thedimondkitty123, Janame3182, uglykid121, JakeM210, godlyuniverse, MightyInvisibleMan, Pengu8, Sorke, Pointlessgamertag, DOGEMASTER360, Crykee, stormony, Stetch, Arcrehnos, maniku5, Christianiusia, SkeletonBlood, treasure, MALORNDARKBLOOD, Orlando777, yourdeadfool, pajasek99, xiiDopeeNickixii, xBlizz, Reynald2366, romanek99, RidzLeeHo, sherlockedholmes, imperialstar, AwesomeGirlNhi, Aaaboy97, Kerry424, Bunnyfangs, SlanderExalted, Andalsamu, rhi1119, Nicosarea, devHoodie, crazycray1234, Wolfmedici,markballa, chinesegirl001, EmeraldAdam, ntyy, AzureSphinx, Parkourduck, SlowedMotion, TigerCaptain, 12345gabriel12345, Tyistheguy0, Externalization, pengcheng1, DevVince, CrispyCrunchyZach, Nanterre, QuantumRemix, VonStalhein, FauxHawke, AwesomeCheetah5, xAstra, thesparklingpanda, ULTIMATEDRAGON321, KailyAnna, Maelstronomer, Z4mkap, Bloodstain, Radioactiveatomicman, Yohk, iMckane007, MrHgbf, Amydamaru, CharacterEvan, JUMBLYCASEY, Wazaaap20, tiger0tiger, DevTyranitar, YesIamBack, lucas8582, Universiv, Sejanvs, KittyKitt117, ItsMeta, Simbuilder, GigaSparta2, NeoAeon, 44electra


PS from JackintheBlox: You guys killed it on this contest!!! I was totally awestruck by the amazing, beautiful entries we received. Seriously, every single one of you who entered should feel amazingly accomplished. Just because this contest is over, doesn’t mean your work should be forgotten. Keep your places open, invite your friends and family to check it out. Heck, e-mail your teachers and bug them on their summer vacation to show off your amazing combination of artistry and geographical knowledge. I’m super proud of every single one of you, and I hope you had fun!