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Create All New Worlds With Smooth Terrain

June 1, 2015

by zeuxcg


You may have seen some amazing looking ROBLOX environments pop up over the weekend. Stunning, sandy beaches, or craggy, water-fall accented mountains. You’re not dreaming, this is ROBLOX’s brand new Smooth Terrain feature, and it’s changing how you see ROBLOX games.

With Smooth Terrain, anyone and everyone on ROBLOX can create beautiful, detailed environments that feel more alive and vibrant than anything you’ve seen on ROBLOX before. The grass, sand, brick, and rock are all highly textured and realistic. Water is reflective and more fluid. Terrain types blend into one another to create a more natural division between materials.

One of the coolest features of Smooth Terrain is the ability to convert your old terrain with a single button, and watch as it changes before your eyes. The previous tools from the old terrain system are present in Studio for the time being, but when you switch to Smooth Terrain you gain new tools that will make building environments easier. For example, you can now select portions of your terrain, duplicate it, and manipulate the new piece, similar to a ROBLOX Part.

Check out the video for a quick overview of some of the things you can do with Smooth Terrain.

The Smooth Terrain tool is located under the current Terrain tab in ROBLOX Studio. Just click the Convert to Smooth button and you’re all set. Currently you cannot use both the old Terrain and Smooth Terrain in the same game, so you’ll have to choose between the two.

We’re extremely excited to see what’s going to come out of the new Smooth Terrain update. We’ll be highlighting user creations on our ROBLOX Facebook page and Twitter account. Later this week we’ll launch a Smooth Terrain building contest, so you can use your skills to earn prizes. Stay tuned for that!

Check out the Smooth Terrain Wiki for tips on how to use the new feature. We’ve also got a How-To video to help you get started. Then head into Studio to try your hand at it. We can’t wait to see what you all make!