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Give Your Game a Professional Logo With Game Icons

April 30, 2015

by Jack "jackintheblox" Hendrik

Archive News

Within the next few weeks, the ROBLOX Games page is undergoing a major overhaul that will make the page cleaner, easier to navigate, and provide space for even more games to be showcased. Part of this page makeover are the new Game Icons that will appear instead of the current thumbnails. Icons are square images that are meant to act more as logos for your games.

Not to worry, ROBLOX is not removing thumbnails. Thumbnail images will continue to exist on the Game Details page (i.e., the page that contains the Play button). Game icons are meant to help developers distinguish their game in a format that can be used for multiple purposes across ROBLOX.

Why the change to icons? Square game icons allow for a maximum amount of items to be displayed both horizontally and vertically per page. Square icons are also a much friendlier image ratio for your players who use a mobile device. Game icons stand out against all other screenshots and video of your game. Game icons could become your “app icon” – a direct link to your game – placed anywhere within ROBLOX in future updates. Think of the icons in the iOS App Store, or on Steam, and that should give you a good idea of the concept.

Our Wiki Tutorial shows examples for different ways to make your Game Icon look great. Click the picture to head there.

Our Wiki Tutorial shows examples for different ways to make your Game Icon look great. Click the picture to head there.

While the Games Page won’t change for a few weeks, you can upload your Game Icon right now from the game configuration screen. If you head into Configure This Place from any of your games, you’ll see a Game Icon option right above Thumbnail. From there you can upload a square, 512×512 pixel image.

Game Icons are free to upload, but you can only have one per game. Uploading a new Game Icon will replace the old one.

For the games that don’t have Icons before we launch the new Games Page, a screenshot of your game will automatically be captured as the icon, much in the same way the default Thumbnail system works.

If you don't pick an icon a screenshot of your game will automatically be selected, though as you can see, you'll probably want something better in place.

If you don’t pick an icon, a screenshot of your game will automatically be selected. Though as you can see, you’ll probably want something better in place.

To help you out, we’ve set up a Game Icon tutorial on ways to effectively make a Game Icon that looks great. You can check it out on our Wiki.

Game Icons add one more way for you to highlight your game on ROBLOX, and with great icons the ROBLOX Games Page will look better than ever!