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Calling All Builders and Devs in Houston, LA, Miami, and Toronto

October 16, 2014

by reesemcblox


Our gamers and developers have been running ROBLOX booths at science and technology events around the world throughout 2014. In November, we’re keeping the train going with presences at five events. As has been the case all along, you, the builders and developers, will be the stars of the show. We’re still accepting community participants for events in Houston, Los Angeles, Miami, and Toronto, so read on to find out how you can get involved in spreading the word about ROBLOX.

Below is a list of all of the Maker Faires and events we’re sponsoring in the month of November, along with their individual dates. Click any of the events that are near you to sign up to help run the ROBLOX booth (except San Francisco; you can simply attend that event). Of course, if any of the events reach the 20-participant threshold, we’ll send a member of ROBLOX staff to be in the booth with you. In every case, you’re almost there!

Saturday, November 1st: Houston Mini Maker Fai (Houston, TX)

Keyrut (the builder who recreated ROBLOX HQ in virtual space) will be there showing off the art of ROBLOX building. With 17 sign-ups, this event is very close to meeting the 20 needed for us to send a staff member. Round up some more friends and make it happen!

Saturday, November 1st: Discovery Days (San Francisco, CA)

We’re sending a group of ROBLOX staff to the Giants’ AT&T Stadium right here in the San Francisco Bay Area for Discovery Days. While that’s cool, we’re even more excited to announce that litozinnamon (the creator of Call of ROBLOXia V) and Tyridge77 (the created of the Game Creation Challenge-winning Confined) will be there to demonstrate the power of ROBLOX. If you’re in the area and want to meet these celebrity developers, stop by our booth and say hello!

Saturday, November 8th: SoCal MakerCon (Los Angeles, CA)

ROBLOX will be making waves in Los Angeles the weekend of November 8th for the annual SoCal MakerCon, described by the event organizers as being “like a tech show, craft show, and ComiCon all in one place.” In addition to staff, game creators TheAmazeman (of ROBLOX Titanic fame) and Smoothblockmodel (known for Don’t Blink, among others) will be in the booth showing off ROBLOX to maker enthusiasts.

Saturday, November 8th: Miami Mini Maker Faire (Miami, FL)

That same weekend the SoCal MakerCon is happening, there will also be a ROBLOX booth at the Maker Faire in Miami. You guys are extremely close to hitting the 20-person threshold. We already know that Nightgaladeld, BobsAlternate, and Sparkleoff will be there showing off some ROBLOX gaming and building. In the area? Sign up and get the group up to 20 participants!

Saturday, November 22nd & Sunday, November 23rd: Maker Faire Toronto (Toronto, Canada)

Maker Faire Toronto rounds out the month of November, and is your chance to hang with renown game developers Jojomen56 (ROBLOX Survivor) and Maelstronomer (Oasis and Doom Caverns, to name a couple). This particular event is just one person away from the 20-person threshold, so expect to hang with at least one ROBLOX staff member in the booth.

For general information on our upcoming roster of events, see the Events & Tours page.

We like hanging with you guys!

Our community has done an awesome job of showcasing ROBLOX for a new audience.

Whew. November is going to be a busy month — and we can’t wait! If you’re near any of the areas mentioned above, please consider signing up to be in the booth and show off ROBLOX to newcomers!