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Carthay’s Quest to Build Disneyland in ROBLOX

September 29, 2014

by JacksSmirkingRevenge


Carthay’s long-time quest to build Disneyland — including every single ride and attraction — is one of the most ambitious ROBLOX projects we’ve ever encountered. It’s also one of the most impressive, both in terms of its quality and its scope. As it stands, Carthay’s Disneyland is composed of more than 20 separate ROBLOX places, some more finished than others, each one featuring an incredible amount of detail.

You can visit the most magical place on earth!

You can visit the most magical place on earth — in ROBLOX!

What you see above is just one of the many massive builds that Carthay has been piecing together throughout the years. His ultimate vision is bringing all 20+ of the separate Disneyland places into one giant virtual theme park, but, for now, he’s relying on our “universe” technology to teleport players between multiple places that exist within a single game.

“Currently 15 places make up both California Adventure and Disneyland,” he tells me. “For now, I’m building a cellar that will be a showcase museum and gallery showing off some of the projects, and it will also act as a teleportation hub to other parts of the park.”

Space Mountain is awesome.

Space Mountain is an awesome ride.

The many rides and sections of the park are in various states of construction, but all share one defining trait: immense detail. Carthay’s building mentality stems from an early fascination with Disneyland — namely the architecture of the park, and that of the coasters as well.

His super-accurate building process is fascinating. Rather than base his 3D builds off of memory alone, Carthay takes Google Maps images and places them into his ROBLOX workspace using decals. He’s then able to place the key pieces of each level in the proper position and at approximately the correct scale. The end result is a precise 3D representation of each Disneyland attraction.


Even audio helps with the immersion. Each and every park and ride is accompanied by a soundtrack that you’d probably hear at the real park — Carthay tells me he has already uploaded over a hundred sounds for use with each of his unique attractions.

Carthay’s Disneyland represents a lot of unique and wonderful ideas, but it’s also a project of immense scale that we’ve personally yet to see on ROBLOX. That’s why keeping tabs on this project has been such a fun endeavor — particularly watching the many parks and rides change as we release new building features. Dynamic lighting and shadows changed the looks of the parks, and now Solid Modeling is allowing Carthay to union the thousands of parts that make up each park to give them a lighter footprint (I have a very powerful laptop, and even I find my frame rates dipping in extremely detailed builds of his).

Hooray log rides!

Hooray log rides!

To end this story I’d like to share a personal anecdote — I personally haven’t been to Disneyland in 20 years or so, but I did go once as a kid. I vaguely remember what the park is like. This made visiting the rides and sections of the park unique and fun, though it wasn’t until I was taken to the entrance of the park that I had an overwhelming feeling of nostalgia.

It all came flooding back when I walked down Main Street.

It all came flooding back when I walked down Main Street.

Carthay’s Disneyland isn’t entirely open to the ROBLOXian public just yet, but I plan to continue to track this ambitious project and show you how this project changes when we make important updates to our platform. For now, check out Carthay’s profile and look around to see which sections of the park are open to the public (they tend to be intermittently available as he makes updates). You can also track his work by looking at his PhotoBucket.