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We’ll Be at Bricks by the Bay This Weekend

August 4, 2014

by Becky "reesemcblox" Herndon

Archive Events News

Bricks by the Bay photoIn an ongoing effort to connect with builders and tech enthusiasts around the world, we’ll be at the the Bricks by the Bay event this weekend in Santa Clara, CA. The annual celebration will feature two massive ballrooms populated by all sorts of LEGO building groups, so we see it as a great place to spread the word about ROBLOX! Here’s all the general information about the event — if you’re in the Bay Area this Sunday and want to come visit us, feel free to stop by and say hello!

What: Bricks by the Bay, an annual, fan-organized, LEGO-based event that celebrates all things building with public exhibitions of LEGO models from local experts. We’re sponsoring the event this year!

Who: ROBLOX staff and lots of LEGO fans and enthusiasts! We’ll be sending such people as ChiefJustus, JackintheBlox, ReeseMcBlox, Seranok, Merely, TobotRobot, UristMcSparks and more.

Where: The Santa Clara Convention Center (right next door to the Hyatt Regency hotel) in Santa Clara, California. The address is 5001 Great America Parkway, Santa Clara, CA, 95054.

When: Sunday, August 10th, from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Tickets can be purchased in advance, and will also be available at the door.

Why: Because we want to be at as many events that celebrate building and creativity as possible.

We’re not even close to being done with appearances to make this year — our booth will soon be visiting Maker Faires in New Hampshire, Orlando, New York, and more! If you want to help us run the booth, check out our listing of all upcoming events and sign up to participate. We’ll make sure and continually update the blog with further information about where we’re going to be, and how you can get there. Stay tuned!