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This Week’s Busy Lineup of Live Shows

August 18, 2014

by JacksSmirkingRevenge


August-2014-live-showsBy this point in time, you’re probably familiar with our two weekly live shows: The Next Level (Wednesdays at 2 p.m. Pacific) and Let’s Play! (Fridays at 2 p.m. Pacific). This week, though, we’re adding more live broadcasts to the usual mix, and we want to make sure you don’t miss them, as both will give you exciting glimpses into the goings-on at ROBLOX. Here’s what to look forward to in the coming days at

Wednesday @ 2 p.m. Pacific: The Next Level with special guest Bereghost

That’s right, the one and only YouTube and Twitch powerhouse Bereghost will be our special guest on The Next Level this Wednesday. We’ve already developed a nice friendship with Bereghost, but now we’re taking it to an all-new level by having him join us on set at ROBLOX HQ for this week’s edition of The Next Level. This is a one-of-a-kind episode not to be missed. It’s going to be epic.

Thursday @ 2 p.m. Pacific: Clan Battles!

In celebration of the upcoming Clan Battle event, we’ll be playing host to a couple live matches, including one between Jack’s Smirking BA Clans of Beards and Aliens and Space Tiger Team Force Space Go Now! These matches will take place in the Clan Battle arenas, but on special team-based servers that will have clear victors per round. Tune in to watch some of the most skillful players battle it out to emerge victorious and pick up a special prize or two!

Friday @ 1 p.m. Pacific: BLOXcast August

We wanted to bring you a full-blown BLOXcast experience this weekend, but our studio space is being remodeled over the weekend, meaning we can’t stream in there. (Unless you want a BLOXcast with power equipment shooting off in the background. What’d you say? I can’t hear you! WHAT?) So we’re condensing this monthly show down to the live Q&A session and a brief recap of recent and upcoming news, and hosting it on Friday.

We’ll have several staff members on hand to answer all of your questions. You can ask questions before and during the BLOXcast by tweeting them using the #ROBLOX hashtag, or during the BLOXcast via the Twitch chat. We’ll do our best to answer all of your questions live!

Then, we’ll segue right into our normal Friday show…

Friday @ 2 p.m. Pacific: Let’s Play!

Watch JackInTheBlox and I attempt to figure out yet another game and talk about anime, alternative rock, and 90s fads. It’s a lot of fun, and a great opportunity to spend some time with us on the couch. We haven’t decided which game to play this week — if you will passionate about a certain title, please let us know what you’d like to see!

As always, yours truly will be sticking around after Let’s Play to do a little gaming on my own channel. It’s random, spontaneous, unplanned, and fun. And, all you have to do is stick around after the show, because we host it right on the ROBLOX channel.

Make sure to keep a tab in your browser locked on for the next couple of days. If what we’re doing just isn’t enough, you can explore other players’ ROBLOX broadcasts, and even stream your own gaming, building, and developing! There’s plenty of great content to enjoy created by users every day about all things ROBLOX. Do some exploring — the world of online gaming is thriving, and we intend to ride the crest of this high and beautiful wave. See you on Twitch!