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Four More Gamers Earn Prizes for Streaming ROBLOX to Twitch

August 5, 2014

by Andrew Haak


Twitch-IconOver the last six months, we’ve been having a lot of fun broadcasting ROBLOX happenings to Twitch — and doing it alongside you, our community of viewers and streamers. To give you guys that little extra boost of motivation to stream, we’ve been publishing monthly broadcaster leaderboards and awarding cash prizes to everyone who tops one of the charts! In July, more than 1,800 Twitch users streamed some ROBLOX fun and, in our collective strongest showing to date, a total of 4,806,400 minutes (80,000+ hours) of live ROBLOX action were watched on Twitch! Let’s see what streamers did it best.

Most watched broadcasters

This category is meant to reward Twitch streamers who not only get people to come to their channel, but are entertaining enough to keep them watching. The winner for the month is OnlyAzN, whose viewers watched for a combined total of 356,500 minutes in July! With a total of roughly 44,880 stream views across the month, that’s an average view-session of about eight minutes. Congratulations to OnlyAzN — who came out of nowhere this month with random gameplay streaming and even some self-organized mini-games — for attracting and entertaining so many viewers.

Editor’s note: Bereghost actually topped this leaderboard (with 474,800 minutes), but because we hosted his streams on the ROBLOX channel later in the month, the data is not pure enough to qualify. Keep reading, though; Bereghost did land a number-one spot!

Most active broadcasters

Not every channel gets enough viewers to win the “most watched” category — not to begin, at least. But many up-and-coming channels put a lot of time into streaming to build a following, and this category is meant to give them a reason to keep going. Congratulations to ArkeTwitch, who destroyed the competition in the most active leaderboard! ArkeTwitch is known as Unclear on ROBLOX, and he’s clearly been doing an awesome job of showcasing building and game development on Twitch.


Unclear has spent a lot of time streaming his work on The Civilization of Arke.

Top individual broadcasts

Several streamers leveraged their followings — both on ROBLOX and on Twitch — to get a lot of people watching at once. These five channels had the highest concurrent viewers during a single broadcast in July.

Bereghost ran away with it this month. The well known YouTube gaming personality took to Twitch in July, and ROBLOX fans jumped all over it. We did host Bereghost on the ROBLOX channel in July, but he actually achieved maximum viewership of 1,294 conccurent without our help. Thus, congratulations to Bereghost!

Stylis_Studios, better known as litozinnamon and shaylan007, also had a strong showing. It helps to be the developer of a game millions of people play!

Channel of the month

This category exists to highlight a channel that’s doing great things but not necessarily topping any of the predefined leaderboards. For July, this award goes to Asytile, who is known on ROBLOX as Ravenshield. He actually beat us to Twitch, having started streaming his building before we opened our channel, and spent upwards of 65 hours broadcasting (with almost 750 hours watched) his expert building in July. We’re happy that he’s showing the possibilities of creation with ROBLOX and hope he continues to share his experience.

To increase your chances of being noticed for channel of the month, make sure to check the box to automatically archive your broadcasts in your channel settings. That way, we can see what you’re doing even if we don’t ever catch it live.


We’ll be reaching out to this month’s winners soon to give away the prizes ($200 each)! Who’s going to lead the charge in August? It could be you!

Final notes

For a step-by-step guide to streaming ROBLOX to Twitch (and therefore participating in this monthly contest) using Open Broadcaster Software, see this blog article. You can also talk with other streamers in the video forum. Use it as a place to chat about Twitch broadcasting and get your channel off the ground!

Whether you’re a streamer, viewer, or both, make sure to stay tuned to our Twitch channel. If we’re not live or hosting a live streamer, our channel will always tell you when the next live show is!

Happy streaming!