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Awesome Solid Modeling Creations Surface in Week One

Archive Developers News

The Solid Modeling feature has only been available for a week, but we’re already seeing our community of talented builders and developers harness its power to create amazing content. We thought today would be a great opportunity to share some of what we’ve found so far. From small objects like traffic lights, swords, and shields to massive creations like airplanes and castles, Solid Modeling has already had a massive impact on the way things are built in ROBLOX. Let’s have a look.

Sandwich by KrixYaz


Finally, proper Swiss cheese on ROBLOX!

Innovation 747 by FromLegoUniverse

This is easily the biggest airplane I've ever entered in ROBLOX.

This is easily the biggest airplane I’ve ever entered in ROBLOX. Check out those engine cylinders and windows!


Plenty of space inside the double decker! Complete with sculpted air conditioning overheads!

12th Doctor Who Tardis by InceptionTime

Can't wait to see these things spiraling through the universe.

Can’t wait to see these things spiraling through the universe.

Power Core by TraeMan7

We don't normally use GIFs on the blog, but you have to see this in motion to really appreciate it. After unioning, this amazing creation is only nine parts!

You have to see this in motion to really appreciate it. After unioning and negating spheres, this amazing creation is only nine parts!

Custom symbols and lettering by XAXA

XAXA made an entire collection of letters and symbols using Smooth Modeling

XAXA made an entire collection of letters and symbols using Solid Modeling.

The City of Bloxburg by Darknut

According to Darknut: “All of the building segments are made using Solid Modeling, which makes building and stacking them easy. There’s a huge variation of windows and doors of lots of shapes and sizes. All those little bits are Solid Modeled as well.”

Defend Your Castle With Magic by Davidii

This massive floating castle was developed using Smooth Modeling techniques -- you should try out this game, it's already in terrific shape and it's not even close to being officially out.

This massive floating castle was developed using Solid Modeling techniques — you should try out this game, it’s already in terrific shape and it’s not even close to being officially released. Check out the awesome sculpted walls!

Drumsets by Bayat

These drums can actually be played using your keyboard!

In addition to being built using Solid Modeling, these drums can actually be played using your keyboard!

Disneyland by Carthay

One of the biggest projects I’ve been tracking, Disneyland by Carthay, is well on it’s way — and Solid Modeling allowed Carthay to take important steps toward finishing it, by unioning the thousands of parts that exist within each server to collectively achieve his overall vision. Though I’m only allowed to see segments of the park in separate and private servers, I assure you this is going to be one of the biggest and most realistic re-creations to hit ROBLOX. Here are a couple of screenshots.

From Carthay: “I’ve gotten to work on modifying Space Mountain — the rockets used to have 374 parts, and now they’re down to 50. That means I can make even more detailed trains.”

From Carthay: “My goal is to have the lobby and Main Street in one place for now. I can’t wait to keep playing with Solid Modeling.”

Female Character by xLEFTx

This is a massive model. For an idea of scale, look at her left foot. That's me down there!

This is a massive model. For an idea of scale, look at her left foot. That’s me down there!

LEGO bricks by 4Sci

Negated parts means you can sculpt and fine tune pieces like this.

Unioning and negating parts means you can sculpt complex shapes like this — and still have them remain a single part.

Sidewinder Missile by Crazyman32


Hollow. Deadly.

Solid Modeling Showcase – cokePanda

Walls! Chair! Flower vase! Solid Modeling Everywhere!

Walls! Chair! Flower vase! Solid Modeling everywhere!

We’re thrilled to see that Solid Modeling is being embraced and experimented with, less than a week from release no less! We’ll be keeping a close eye on all the new creations that continue to populate our ever-shifting platform. Keep up the the great work, builders!