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Whoa: Six Builds That’ll Make You Say That

Archive Gamers News


You know what they say: travel broadens the mind (Who says that? They, I say!). That’s why I spent a part of an afternoon traveling ROBLOX far and wide, hunting for unique places to showcase in this article. It’s rewarding every now and then to take a look at some of the beautiful creations that populate our platform that don’t necessarily have gameplay mechanics — each of the places you’re about to see are all about immense detail and craftsmanship. Let’s take a look at some of the places I stumbled across.

Constraint by LordOfSteampunk


Black, white, and shades of gray, Constraint is truly a sight to behold. Though it’s a small room, it’s dripping with detail. Every single virtual aspect of the level is crafted with true precision — and make sure to look up when you enter to see the spiraling staircase of a ceiling that goes up as far as you can look! Developer LordOfSteampunk mentions on his profile that this is only a small part of his complete vision, so we can’t wait to see how this amazing room is implemented in the future. Also, make sure and take a seat at the piano.

EBR Office by Ravenshield and EBR


EBR is known on our platform for being populated by some of the most gifted builders on ROBLOX, so it’s no surprise that their official office is a creative explosion. Contributors like DoctorDeleter, Ravenshield, finwei, geico480 and other prolific names you’ve definitely heard each took portions of their unique creations and fashioned them into individual offices. Floor after floor after floor are populated with rooms that are radically different from one another, meaning you’ve got a lot to explore to fully take the level in. I like this place most because there is no aesthetic — each room is uniquely built and fashioned. It’s also an awesome mini-game to wander into a random office without looking to see who built it and guess the builder based on the aesthetic alone.

Athenaeum of Age by ShareYourCups


I’m fond of libraries (as a writer, I spent a lot of of my childhood in them), though they’ve sadly become a relic of the past in the age of the internet. Athenaeum of Ages is a beautifully constructed throwback to old times, with antique shelves housing hundreds of books throughout. There is also a very soothing piano track that accompanies you as you play, as well as some really cool custom creaks and groans that really make the place feel antiquated. There’s also Thomas, a talking NPC alien with a donut on his head — you can chat with him and watch his responses (they’re very odd, in a good way). Finally, make sure to check out the far east corner of the library — there’s a secret wall that opens up in a spectacular way. And speaking of ShareYourCups…

Lucent by ShareYourCups


I was browsing through ShareYourCups’ profile and found this place — another throwback, but to gaming, not educational institutions. Lucent is a WIP side-scrolling platformer with a heck of a visual punch. Like Constraint, this game is coated in dark shades of black, while featuring some really awesome uses of dynamic lighting (see how I’m lit up in the screenshot? That’s only because the ray of light that’s hitting me). Not only great looking, Lucent is a challenging platforming game where you’ve got to push objects around to reach higher levels, and carefully avoid enemies. It ends abruptly because it is unfinished — can’t wait to see what the completed game looks like.

Jacinto City by Persodian


If you keep up with the blog you know we occasionally pay attention to cities on ROBLOX — both real-life recreations, and imagined. Jacinto City is an awesome recreation of a city from Gears of War, seemingly before the Swarm came in and had their way with it. Though peaceful (accompanied by a song lifted from the commercial from 2009), we do like that there are still sandbags strewn throughout the map, because in the world of third person shooters, you just never know when you’ll need to take cover. The detail in the buildings, heck, even the frames around the windows, is phenomenal.

The Unknown Part Three by TradeSystems


I muttered a fairly minor “whoa” when I entered only to hit a major “WHOA” when I pulled the camera back. From afar The Unknown Part Three looks more like a painting you’d see hanging on the wall than a video game. This level is not only beautiful, but is easily one of the largest terrain maps I have ever seen. TradeSystems has been hard at work on this monster of a map for the past five days, and is planning on adding enemies to populate various parts of the level. The chat was exploding with random people who were simply in awe of the views from the various peaks and mountain tops.

Keep it up!

That was my journey through ROBLOX this afternoon. As always, keep letting your imagination run wild — if you haven’t yet, hopefully this motivates you to want to get out there and build that city you’ve always imagined, or that valley you keep returning to in your dreams. Anything is possible when you’re fueled by ROBLOX, and we love finding examples like these to back that statement up.