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Twitch April Leaderboards Are Here, and the Numbers Keep Rising

Archive Community News

Twitch-IconAnother month has passed, which means we have new numbers to report from the wacky world of All of you are doing a fantastic job capturing your ROBLOX moments on Twitch, and we’re thrilled to see increased activity and involvement — 1,479 of you streamed ROBLOX gameplay and development in April, up from 1,200 in March! Let’s take a look at some of the best numbers we’ve seen seen yet, and reward those who have made streaming gameplay a part of their everyday lives!

Most watched broadcasters

This category is meant to reward Twitch streamers who not only get people to come to their channel, but are entertaining enough to keep them watching. The winner for the month is USAtwitch (known on ROBLOX as Nightgaladeld), whose viewers watched for a combined total of 152,200 minutes in April (more than 70% higher than his March total). That’s more than 2,500 hours and about 12.6 minutes per stream view! Congratulations to USATwitch for being so active and entertaining on Twitch!

USATwitch (152,500 minutes)

ScriptOnRoblox (81,000 minutes)

STAMSITE (71,900 minutes)

Superman860 (53,500 minutes)

ROBLOXLivestream (42,900 minutes)

Demonizatiional (36,400 minutes)

StyLiS_Studios (34,900 minutes)

Bereghost (29,600 minutes)

ThePeaspod (28,500 minutes)

OfficialBA (27,300 minutes, cool name)

Most active broadcasters

Not every channel gets enough viewers to win the “most watched” category – not to begin, at least. But many up-and-coming channels put a lot of time into streaming to build a following, and this category is meant to give them a reason to keep going. Congratulations to Rudeboyken (known on ROBLOX as theplurker), who was the most active ROBLOX streamer of April!

Rudeboyken (13,340 minutes)

Superman860 (9,875 minutes)

Demonizatiional (8,895 minutes)

OfficialBA (5,905 minutes)

ScriptOnRoblox (5,825 minutes)

USATwitch (5,515 minutes)

coinwisher (5,500 minutes)

StyLiS_Studios (4,740 minutes)

Mr51Pwnage (4,720 minutes)

TombokingRBLX (3,790 minutes)

Top individual broadcasts

Several streamers leveraged their followings – both on ROBLOX and on Twitch – to get a lot of people watching at once. These three channels had the highest concurrent viewers during a single broadcast in April.

STAMSITE (2,064 concurrent viewers)

Bereghost (276 concurrent viewers)

ROBLOXLivestream (112 concurrent viewers)

Channel of the month

This category exists to highlight a channel that’s doing great things but not necessarily topping any of the predefined leaderboards. This month, the award goes to Superman860, a ROBLOX broadcaster who’s been participating since the very beginning of our foray into the Twitch scene. He’s a skilled gamer who streams a lot (9,875 minutes streamed in April) and gets a decent number of viewers (5,640 viewers in April). Congrats, Superman860 (or skyshawk, as he’s known on ROBLOX).


We’ll be reaching out to this month’s winners soon to give away the prizes ($200 each)!

Who’s going to lead the charge in May? It could be you!

For a step-by-step guide to broadcasting ROBLOX (and therefore participating in this contest), see this blog article (particularly the section titled “Customizing your stream”). You can also talk with other broadcasters in the video forum. Use it as a place to chat about Twitch broadcasting and get your channel off the ground!