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The Point of Points: Collect, Compete and Crow

April 15, 2014

by Andrew Haak


Points Icon

Today, we’re kicking off the beta testing period for a series of features that will give new meaning to ROBLOX gameplay – for individuals and groups alike – while also encouraging better content and fun rewards for players. We’re starting with a new cross-game, platform-wide scoring system known simply as Player Points.

What are Player Points?

Points are awarded to builders and developers when players spend ROBUX in their games. Builders and developers can then distribute those Points to players who achieve predefined goals. You can think of Points like Playstation trophies, Xbox Achievements, or even ROBLOX badges – the important distinction from the latter is there’s scarcity to the number of Points to be awarded, making them limited and desirable.

For a basic example of how this works, let’s say a player spends 10 ROBUX in a game. The game’s developer gets seven ROBUX and, now, a certain allowance of Points to distribute back to players. (The rate at which we dole out Points will fluctuate as we test the system and find the right balance.) The developer can use those Points – and any others they collect – to reward players for their achievements, adding a new layer to gameplay.

To learn more about the Points Service, which is what developers use to award points to players, see this new entry in the ROBLOX Wiki. To collect your first Points, we recommend you stop at ROBLOX Battle, which the Games team has updated to award a Player Point when you bank a certain amount of coins (and assuming there are Points to award).

Bioblock Limitless

Top developers can now start experimenting with awarding points using the Points Service.

What can you do with points?

Once you’ve earned Points, your score is visible on your profile page, so you can use it to show your friends how experienced a gamer and ROBLOX member you are. Points are also going to play a significant role in group competition and global leaderboards, both of which are coming soon to this beta test. Stay tuned for more information.

How does this beta test work?

We are planning to test Points for at least 30 days. As of today, they are accumulating for builders and developers when players spend ROBUX in their games. Currently, top developers can award Points to players. Eventually, all developers will be able to do so. Again, we likely will alter the rate at which developers accumulate Points during the test, as well as visual elements of how they’re awarded (we’re tweaking some GUIs right now).

At the end of the beta test, we will be resetting all Points. This is important to note. We will be tweaking and tuning our systems based on what we see and your experiences, then starting fresh – fair for everyone – with the official launch. We encourage you to participate in this beta test and provide feedback that will help us shape the final product.

There are millions of creations, spanning many genres and styles, on ROBLOX. Player Points span the whole platform, creating a competitive meta game that unifies players and developers with a huge variety of tastes and preferences. The next features will make Points even more exciting, as they become the foundation for some serious competition.