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One Weekend, Three ROBLOX Events

April 25, 2014

by Andrew Haak



This weekend, there are three official ROBLOX events happening: two on the U.S. East Coast and one in the United Kingdom (in Newcastle Upon Tyne, to be exact). It’s incredibly cool that these three events are happening simultaneously, and even cooler that they’re being run by real ROBLOX builders and developers. Yet this is only the beginning. There are many more events being hosted by ROBLOX community members in the coming months — and you can still get involved.

This weekend

USA Science & Engineering Festival

This free event is the largest celebration of science and engineering in the United States, bringing together technology innovators from around the world to present hands-on activities for people of all ages. Held every other year, more than 250,000 people (including the President) are expected to attend this year’s mega-fest of science-y goodness.

ROBLOX will have a booth located in the Engineering Pavilion (also known as Hall A) at location number 957. If you’re in the area, you should check out the Festival — just make sure you stop by the ROBLOX booth! OstrichSized, blockhaak, ReeseMcBlox, and SphinxShen will be there, along with 20+ ROBLOX builders and developers.


Maker Faire UK

We’ve already had ROBLOX members showcase our platform at Maker Faires in Maryland and North Carolina. Now, it’s the United Kingdom’s turn!

Maker Faire UK is a two-day festival of invention and creativity, bringing together over 300 hackers, crafters, coders, DIYers and garden-shed inventors from across the globe – people who love to make stuff and who want to share their passion with the public. Included in that mix is a horde of ROBLOX builders and developers, who will be joining our own Stickmasterluke and Tone to show off ROBLOX to Maker Faire attendees.

If you’re a U.K. ROBLOXian, make the trip to the Centre for Life in Newcastle. You’ll get to meet many fellow members, a couple ROBLOX staff, and lots of other fascinating makers.


Lehigh Valley Mini Maker Faire

The other Maker Faire that will have a ROBLOX presence is that of Lehigh Valley (in Bethlehem, PA). The one-day event is expected to draw more than 100 exhibitors and hundreds of attendees. ROBLOX will have a booth being run entirely by 10 ROBLOX builders and developers, who’ll be hanging out and showing visitors what we’re all about. If you’re near the event, we recommend you stop by to see our booth and all the other interesting makers!


If you’re interested in participating in a ROBLOX booth at your local Maker Faire, there are plenty of opportunities — check out our listing of all upcoming events where we’re hoping to have a presence. We’re particularly interested in participants for the Austin Mini Maker Faire on May 3rd in Austin, TX.

As a participant, you’d go to your local Maker Faire, help staff the ROBLOX booth, and show others what it’s like to build and make games. We provide you with entrance tickets, booth space, connectivity, ROBLOX-branded goods for you to wear, and cool stuff to give away. You bring your enthusiasm and passion for ROBLOX and share it with other Maker Faire-goers.

Finally, stay tuned for upcoming news on the granddaddy of Maker events — Maker Faire Bay Area, held in our hometown of San Mateo, California on May 17th and 18th. ROBLOX is a leading sponsor of this year’s event, and the whole staff as well as notable members of our developer community will be on hand to showcase what we’re all about. We hope to see you there!