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Find Us at the USA Science & Engineering Festival in April

Archive Events News

In addition to having a booth at the largest science and engineering festival later this month, our first player-organized BLOX Faire is happening this weekend in Greenbelt, Maryland. Keep reading for more information on both events.


We’re just about to kick off our real-world events for the year and we’re super excited to announce that, in addition to our multiple BLOX Faire appearances, we’ll also have a booth at the USA Science and Engineering Festival in Washington D.C. later this month! This free event is the largest celebration of science and engineering (two things we’re quite fond of) in the United States, bringing together technology innovators from around the world to present hands-on activities for people of all ages. Held every other year, more than 250,000 people (including the President) are expected to attend this year’s mega-fest of science-y goodness. And between that and our Maker Faire appearances, we’ll increase our visibility to the massive community of builders and makers around the globe in a big way. Ultimately, we hope to reach half a million people through events in 2014 — with your help, of course.

While a few of us will be traveling to Washington to man the booth at the USA Science and Engineering Festival, we’re looking for you to help us show off ROBLOX at the event. You can sign up to participate in the ROBLOX booth by filling out this survey. If you can’t be a participant, you can, of course, attend the event and stop by our booth.

  • Who: you, the ROBLOX community (and a ROBLOX few staffers, too)
  • What: the ROBLOX booth booth at the USA Science and Engineering Festival (750 leading technology organizations that will be in attendance)
  • Where: The Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Washington D.C.
  • When: Saturday April 26th and Sunday April 27th
  • Why: Because there are builders everywhere, and we’d like to show them what ROBLOX represents!

In Maryland this weekend? Come say hi to reesemcblox!

The first BLOX Faire is Saturday

In addition to having a booth staffed by ROBLOX admins at California’s Maker Faire Bay Area and a spot at the USA Science and Engineering Festival, we want our builders to represent us at the many Maker Faires happening soon around the country. If you want to participate in setting up a player-run ROBLOX booth, you can find the details in this blog article.

The very first player-run ROBLOX booth will be appearing this Saturday at the Greenbelt Mini Maker Faire in Greenbelt, Maryland. ReeseMcBlox will be traveling to Greenbelt for the premiere BLOX Faire to hang out in the ROBLOX booth and show our platform off to builders!

  • Who: ReeseMcBlox and a bunch of Maryland ROBLOXians
  • What: our first BLOX Faire booth at the Greenbelt Mini Maker Faire
  • When: Saturday, April 5th
  • Where: Club125 Makerspace, Greenbelt, Maryland
  • Why: to show Maker Faire attendees why ROBLOX should be a part of their lives!

If you’re near Greenbelt and feel like surrounding yourself with like-minded builders and innovators, come to the Maker Faire — and say hello at the ROBLOX booth!