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New “Liquid” Games Page Makes Blank Margins a Thing of the Past

July 05, 2013

by JacksSmirkingRevenge


new games pageThe ROBLOX Web Team is always looking to update and improve to further empower our builders, developers and gamers. We are on a never-ending quest to ensure that great games and content get as much visibility as possible. Positive and upfront exposure is one of the keys to being successful on ROBLOX, and it’s in that spirit that we’ve begun rolling out a new “liquid” Games page. In our tests thus far, we have received great player feedback and we’ll be incorporating that into the official release in the near future.

Liquid, in this context, means that the amount of games that populate your Games page is dependent on the amount of screen real estate you have. The wider the screen, the more games you can see. The liquid Games page is built to be entirely scalable, as well — if you decide to decrease the size of your browsers’ window, the amount of games available will shrink to fit. This is another step toward realizing our vision of a Games page loaded with fantastic content, and we’ll be sure to fill you in on further advancements in the coming weeks.

new games page

The “Top Earning” sort will be included by default on the liquid Games page, and sit just below the “Relevant” sort. This means you’ll be able to see two different sorts of games on the same default Games page. All of this is in an effort to streamline your user experience and make it easier and more intuitive to find the games you want to play as quickly as possible.

Keep in mind, the liquid layout applies to any sort you choose, whether that’s Top Earning, Most Popular, Featured or Recent Games. When your browser window is maxed out across your screen, you’ll be likely to see three times more games than what you’ve come to expect. This sets the stage for many other changes we’re going to be making to, so stay tuned!