Greetings from BLOXcon Chicago! It’s been a huge day for the ROBLOX staff — whether we were manning booths, running contests, giving keynote presentations on stage or running the Hackathon. Now, as the event slowly draws to an end, we wanted to share some photos we took throughout the day. And don’t worry, there’s a lot more to come. We made some very exciting announcements and showed off some awesome new features coming down the pipeline. We also documented the entire event on video with three (!!!) separate devices, so we’ll have plenty of footage to show you in the coming days and at the Virtual BLOXcon this September.
For now, enjoy this photo gallery of pictures. And thanks to the wonderful people of Chicago — your ideas, feedback, and overall positive enthusiasm really brought this event to life, and inspired us to keep doing it. London, bring it on!

Day 1: Setting up

Putting up the map.

The trading cards were a hit!

This morning, the line stretched around the museum.

Mega scripter Brandon LaRouche had his own booth, where he was selling his recent book about intermediate Lua scripting. He was also rocking a pair of Google Glass.

Developers answering questions on stage.

crazyman32 stopped by and chatted with members of the Lua Learners.

We signed more autographs than ever before.

Sorcus meeting with the huge crowd of people before the event.

We interviewed so many builders on camera. Keep your eyes peeled, there will be a lot more to come.

One of several custom BLOXcon 2013 t-shirts.

We sold out of fedoras in a matter of hours!

Taken shortly before our main stage presentation.

Our R&D section was packed throughout the day.

CloneTrooper1019 showed up to the Hackathon sporting some cool shades and a Fedora.

Face-to-face user feedback with Builderman.