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Preview the 2013 BLOXY Awards

June 14, 2013

by Andrew Haak


BLOXY 2013 AwardWith the excitement of the submission and voting periods now in the books, we have selected — with public opinion as a significant factor — the nominees for each category of the ROBLOX International Film Festival. As promised, we will be announcing the actual winners for each category at the upcoming BLOXcon Chicago, London and New York City. Winners will have their films screened in front of a live BLOXcon audience and highlighted on the ROBLOX YouTube channel, and receive a coveted BLOXY Award!

We don’t want to kill the suspense and anticipation of the actual announcements, so we’re not going to show the nominees for every category. However, we do have a bundle of potential winners for the popular machinima/short film and trailer categories to share. All nominees are listed in a random order. Grab a snack and settle in for some great works of ROBLOX cinema!

Machinima/short film

In this category, entrants had a maximum of three minutes to tell an entertaining ROBLOX story using primarily in-engine footage.


Capped at 90 seconds, this category gave entrants a chance to create a trailer for just about anything — as long as it came with a ROBLOX theme.

Stay tuned to the blog and ROBLOX on Twitter for extensive BLOXcon coverage — including award winners — when the events take place in July and August. For those of you who are lucky enough to be attending, expect details about your city’s BLOXcon in the coming weeks!