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Enter the BLOXcon Poster Contest Today

May 24, 2013

by Andrew Haak


Poster Contest GraphicWe’re already running a contest to collect submissions for the ROBLOX International Film Festival, but we thought it only fair to give the graphic designers of ROBLOXia an equal opportunity to make their mark on our upcoming BLOXcon events. To that end, we’ve launched a poster contest, where you have a chance to design a BLOXcon poster and win fantastic prizes!

Here’s how it works: starting immediately, you can design and submit a BLOXcon poster for BLOXcon Chicago, BLOXcon London or BLOXcon New York City. We’ll be collecting submissions through June 2nd at 11:59 p.m. PT, and will select winners during the following week. Winners will have their poster printed and distributed at BLOXcon, receive a framed print of their poster signed by ROBLOX admins, and get an exclusive virtual prize for their ROBLOX character! Click here to view the contest, get started on your submission and see other entries. Simply complete the submission form and upload your poster design to enter.

Note: you may have to compress your image in order to submit it. We will acquire full-resolution originals from winners after the contest ends.

Poster rules and requirements

The poster must be ROBLOX-themed and portray the essence of the city/BLOXcon it represents. There are a few technical requirements. Following these will greatly improve your chances of winning the contest.

  • Poster must include a BLOXcon logo, venue logo, date, and location of the event
  • Poster dimensions must be (or reduce proportionally to): 11.25 by 17.25 inches (that’s 3375 × 5175 pixels @ 300 dpi)
  • Poster resolution should be 300 dpi

To help you meet these requirements, we have created some poster templates. Download the logo pack for the BLOXcon logo and venue logos.

Here’s an example of a great event poster. This is what we used to promote the ROBLOX Rally in 2011. It shows some of the landmarks of San Francisco and the venue, with a focus on ROBLOX and the essential information about the event.

Roblox Rally 2011 Poster

If you need additional inspiration, a Google Image search for “poster” should lead you in the right direction. However you get to your end result, we’re excited to see what you design. Good luck!