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Weekly ROBLOX Roundup: April 21st, 2013

April 21, 2013

by Andrew Haak


Weekly ROBLOX Roundup Logo, V2Every week, we’re busy telling the stories behind our platform, our technology and our place in the gaming and technology industries. For those of you who catch up with ROBLOX over the weekend, the Weekly ROBLOX Roundup collects the best stuff to hit our various avenues of publication in the last week. This time: an opportunity for you to write for the ROBLOX blog, a dynamic lighting video contest, own and trade multiple copies of the same limited item, our latest Crossfire article (featuring Ozzypig and CloneTrooper1019), a showcase of excellent ROBLOX building, a New York apartment penthouse to explore, and other bits and pieces. Enjoy.

Seven-day Blog Recap

Get published on the ROBLOX blog!

Last week, we announced an opportunity for you to have your writing published front and center on the ROBLOX blog. We’re not accepting just anything, though; right now, we’re keeping a keen eye out for technical articles about specific aspects of ROBLOX building in which the author has demonstrated expertise. We’ve received more than 400 pitches, so far, and we’ll be reviewing every last one of them in the coming week. While we haven’t started reaching out to anyone yet, I can say there are a number of great ideas and I’m very excited about the quality and robustness of articles we could be publishing in conjunction with you, the ROBLOX community. Thanks to everyone who has submitted ideas!

Enter our dynamic lighting video contest

Dynamic lighting, one of the most anticipated ROBLOX features of all time, is nearing its long-awaited release. We’re not spitting out an exact date just yet, but we are starting to build some buzz around the feature by holding a Dynamic Lighting Video Contest! The feature is now available on GameTest1, our most robust client testing environment, for you to experience and experiment with. If you create something beautiful with dynamic lighting, we encourage you to capture 30 to 60 seconds of video footage and enter it in our contest. Five winners stand to receive an exclusive virtual hat, and placement on the blog and our YouTube channel.

We’ve already received a bunch of entries, which you can see here. Starting in a few days, you’ll be able to vote for your favorites!

Paintball Game with Lighting

Sword Fight on the Heights with LightingOwn, sell and trade multiple copies of one limited item

Last week, we released a hotly debated website feature, which gives you the ability to own more than one copy of a single limited item. A common misconception is that wealthy ROBLOXians will be able to swoop in and purchase every copy of an item upon its release. That’s not the case; such builders can only purchase multiple copies from others (as opposed to directly from ROBLOX). We’re watching to see how this functionality plays out in the economy. Read the article announcing the launch for more information.

Learn a thing or two about game design from two prolific builders

A couple weeks ago, we kicked off a new series dubbed Crossfire. In the first edition, we had competing zombie-survival game developers talk about their design choices. It went so well that we jumped right back into it, this time with Ozzypig and CloneTrooper1019 talking about their popular everybody-against-one games. Once again, we’re happy with the end result, and there’s certainly something to be learned about how ROBLOX builders approach the design, maintenance and promotion of their games. We can’t wait to get more builders talking for future Crossfires.

See more under-the-radar ROBLOX places

ROBLOX builders pour significant time into imagining, building and perfecting amazing creations. We try to do our part to make sure their work is recognized, and occasionally publish articles with the sole purpose of showcasing it. Such was the case with Monday’s second set of “six awesome places you’ve never seen before.” Maybe you have seen them (we heard that more than once), but most people haven’t. Let’s all change that.

You should see this ROBLOX place

Have you ever wished you had a sleek, modern, high-rise apartment in New York City? Well, in New York City Apartment, Penthouse, you can at least get simulate the feeling. The place features a nice, unified aesthetic, and lots of details that make it feel real. It’s not the biggest place you’ll explore, but it’s an impressive build that illustrates the allure of big-city, metropolitan life.

New York City Apartment, Penthouse


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