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Make the ROBLOX Presence Known at Maker Faire 2013

April 30, 2013

by Andrew Haak


Maker Faire Bay Area 2013 BadgeThere’s been a lot of talk about BLOXcon – our now-sold-out summer events in Chicago, London and New York City – but we’re not forgetting our hometown crowd. If you reside along the U.S. West Coast (or you have a private jet, in which case we’d love to take a ride), you have an opportunity to experience some of the excitement of BLOXcon and hang out with us in person for a day at Maker Faire Bay Area 2013, coming up in just over two weeks.

Maker Faire Bay Area 2013 takes place on Saturday, May 18th and Sunday, May 19th at the San Mateo County Event Center in San Mateo, CA. We’re looking for as many ROBLOX builders as possible to join us throughout the weekend and make the ROBLOX presence known! Why spend some time at our booth?

  • Be among the first to see pieces of our summer BLOXcon content
  • Get up close and personal with dynamic lighting (and take away some tips and tricks that give you a competitive edge)
  • Playtest, experiment with and provide feedback on brand-new ROBLOX features and product development
  • Participate in collaborative playing and competitive battling
  • Get your hands on schwag, including ROBLOX cards (discounted by 20% and bundled with a Maker Faire virtual top hat), brand-new ROBLOX World Tour 2013 t-shirts and ROBLOX earbuds, among other treasures
  • We’ll have four times the space we had last year, meaning more room to chat with ROBLOX admins (most of whom will be appearing in the booth at some point during the weekend) and meet fellow builders

Block Town Dynamic Lighting Screenshot

Plus, your ticket gets you access to hundreds of other exhibitors, many of which are doing exciting things – digital and physical – to build the Maker movement. All-day advance tickets start at $15 (12 and under) and $20 (13-21). Click here to see all the available options. You may be able to purchase tickets at the gate on the day(s) of the event, but the prices rise and rumor has it the number of available tickets is dwindling.

We’ll have more concrete details about the ROBLOX booth at Maker Faire Bay Area 2013 in the next two weeks. In the meantime, check out our new BLOXcon forum to talk about our spring and summer events. We hope to see you soon!