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Weekly ROBLOX Roundup: March 24th, 2013

March 24, 2013

by Andrew Haak


Weekly ROBLOX Roundup Logo, V2Every week, we’re busy telling the stories behind our platform, our technology and our place in the gaming and technology industries. For those of you who catch up with ROBLOX over the weekend, the Weekly ROBLOX Roundup collects the best stuff to hit our various avenues of publication in the last week. This time: a preview of the 2013 ROBLOX Egg Hunt, our Spotlight on TacoConsumer‘s detailed building style, stress testing the ROBLOX physics engine, a new beta test for multiple-limited-item ownership, quite possibly the most detailed vehicle interior ever built in ROBLOX, and other bits and pieces. Enjoy.

Seven-day Blog Recap

Egg Hunt ScreenshotThe ROBLOX event of the year is almost here…

Each year, our annual Egg Hunt becomes bigger and more creative than ever before. We’ve got some really cool plans in store for the 2013 installment of this fan-favorite event, and we’ll be revealing all the details when the game launches the week of the 25th. In the meantime, read this blog article; it explains what to expect and features a first look at three of the eggs and the virtual environment where you’ll find all 20+.

Well, most of them. Some will be hiding in other corners of ROBLOX.

A Spotlight on TacoConsumer’s textured building style

ROBLOX user TacoConsumer has created one of the most uniquely textured environments we’ve seen on ROBLOX yet, and it’s not a majestic cabin in the woods or a fortress in the sky. To the contrary, it’s an abandoned office building. In his Spotlight feature, TacoConsumer describes his building process, which involves repurposing textures from open-source development kits and applying them to ROBLOX bricks.

Testing ROBLOX’s physics with “dominoes”

The ROBLOX physics engine is a work in progress. We’re always working to make it scale to more parts, handle more complex simulations and, in general, behave in a more life-like fashion. Occasionally, we test our progress by stress-testing the engine with large-scale, high-volume scenarios. In this physics performance blog post, we demonstrate the effects of our recent “impulse solver” technology (which models collisions using impulses rather than springs) and three relatively minor, but impactful physics bug fixes with a huge domino-style simulation. The video tells the story but, if that’s not enough, we also explain the bug fixes that led to the results.

Help us beta test ownership and trading of multiple limited items

This is big news for ROBLOX traders and users who are vested in the ROBLOX economy: we’re going to allow users to possess more than a single copy of limited items. Though it hasn’t gone live on, we are currently inviting users to beta test this new feature on sitetest3, our testing platform. If you’re interested in finding the details on how this new system works and what this could mean for the future of the ROBLOX economy, give this blog article a read.

Contest winners galore!

Finally, we announced the winners of our Egg Retexture and Face Creation contests. You can see the results in this blog post. Congratulations to all the winners, and a huge thank you to the thousands of ROBLOXians who participated.

Winning Entries

You should see this ROBLOX place

Aeronave Cockpit

We’ve seen hyper-detailed vehicle interiors before (remember geico480’s BMW models?), but ace568 has taken it to a new level with his “AERONAVE Cockpit” place. With so many parts, you’re not going to fly this ship, but the precision and attention to detail with which ace568 assembled this model is mind-blowing. Every little button — on the ceiling, the dashboard, the center console — looks like it was meticulously placed, even from afar. Take a closer look and you’ll see that many buttons and knobs are constructed of multiple parts, making the scene doubly impressive.


  • We’ve started announcing the winners of our Fan Art Contest via our Facebook page. Our first winner was katienchip’s wooden ROBLOX figures, and the second was MechaWaffle’s Sword Fight on the Heights art. Keep an eye out for more in the coming weeks. Congratulations to the first two winners!
  • Don’t forget that we host a Behind the BLOX event at ROBLOX HQ every Friday afternoon. Come in, see the digs, meet staff and help us make ROBLOX better. Sign up here.
  • BLOXcon tickets are selling quickly! At the time of this article’s publication, only two tickets remain for BLOXcon London’s 1:30 p.m. Main Stage Presentation slot!

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