Blog Archive
Every week, we’re busy telling the stories behind our platform, our technology, and our place in the gaming and technology industries. For those of you who catch up with ROBLOX over the weekend, the Weekly ROBLOX Roundup collects the best stuff to hit our various avenues of publication in the last week. This time: Add Gear to Game feature, connecting with ROBLOX, Spotlight on NXTBoy, developers’ picks, GDC Online and more.
Add gear to your game, make money off sales
Last week, we launched a feature that’s beneficial to all ROBLOX game developers who want to allow gear in their games. Here’s how it works: you decide what gear you’d like to allow in your game — even if it’s just one weapon. That gear is then available for sale on your game’s page and anyone who purchases it can use it in your game. If they use the “Buy” button on your page, you get 10% of the sale. Not only do you have more control over what gear is allowed in your game, you stand to turn a profit. Read this post for more information on adding gear to your game.
Tip: decide what gear is allowed in your game based on the type of game. Make sure allowing a high-power piece of gear doesn’t upset the balance in favor of owners.
Spotlight on NXTBoy
After coming across this chart documenting ROBLOX’s currency-exchange rates, we had a feeling its creator, NXTBoy, would be an interesting person. Turns out, we were right; he not only built that site, but also came up with a method of casting reflections in ROBLOX and has won robotics competitions using principles he tested in ROBLOX. Our latest Spotlight article goes in-depth on just a few of his many interesting projects.
Developers’ picks: ROBLOX games
There are always things to see on ROBLOX. Every time we survey members of the ROBLOX team, we hear about something new and interesting. So, we’re sharing some of those new and interesting things in this blog post: four members of the Content team share their ROBLOX favorites. You’ll have to read the story to find out what they are, but let the image at right act as a little teaser.
Connect with ROBLOX
We know this isn’t the usual ROBLOX blog post. However, once or twice a year, we like to remind new users that we post unique content on various social media accounts and collect feedback about what you’d like to see via those channels. We received some useful thoughts and ideas. It’s not too late to get connected and chime in; check out the blog post for more.
You should play this ROBLOX game
Wordfall is a GUI-based game where you have to organize letters into words on a grid. It’s the type of game that reminds you just how flexible ROBLOX is. The drag-and-drop method on display here is ingenious in its simplicity; you simply drag your cursor across tiles in eight directions to identify words. Certain tiles are worth more than others, allowing you to boost your score, and each word gives you a little more time to find more. It reminds me of the quick-play word games that are popular on mobile platforms.
- Here’s a short, but inspiring blog about why anyone should become a game designer. If you’re thinking about making games on ROBLOX, this might get you to start today.