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ROBLOX’s Wealthiest Users: Part 1

September 21, 2012

by Alan "JacksSmirkingRevenge" Fackler

Archive News

Money Currency in ROBLOX, whether Robux or tickets, is in a constant state of movement. Our currency is bought, traded and sold at all hours of the day and night, and some of our users have found unique and creative ways to fill their ROBLOX wallets. How do we know? We reached out to the wealthiest users on ROBLOX to see if they’d care to share their methods with the community at large. Like true entrepreneurs, they were willing to share some of the secrets behind their collective success. We’ve compiled tips from some of the richest ROBLOX users out there, but we’re saving the best for last. Next week, we’ll have tips from the bar-none, top three wealthiest people on ROBLOX. For now, here are tips from four through seven.

User Merely is co-creator of the uber-popular Catalog Heaven, which has been visited over 8 million times. He has developed very specific methods for accumulating wealth utilizing Limited items. Here’s some of his insight.

“When a new Limited item is released, don’t buy it immediately. Wait a few minutes to see how quickly it sells. To get the best deal on an existing Limited item, do some research. Look in the comments to see what people have been offering, or post a thread in the ‘Let’s Make a Deal’ forum asking what the item is worth. Remember that new Limited items tend to peak for a few days, then the price falls. If you pay attention to these trends, you will know when to buy or sell your Limited item in order to make the most profit.”

Creator of Perilous Skies, one of the most popular plane simulation/dogfight games on ROBLOX, Crazyman32 has established himself as a solid game designer and creator of many popular titles. He began playing ROBLOX in 2008, after a friend showed him a fully rendered model of the Titanic on ROBLOX, then blew it up. A junior in high school, Crazyman32 is studying computer design, and has accumulated quite a bit of wealth. Here’s his advice.

“Just like in real life, there are a lot of things that people can buy, but that doesn’t mean they need to be bought. Only buy what you can afford, and make sure that what you can afford will leave you with something afterwards.

I also make VIP shirts to earn wealth–they’ve become my primary source of Robux. In order to maintain my wealth, I’ve learned to spend smartly. I don’t spend in large amounts, unless it will benefit me (like making large bids on advertisements).”

Litozinnamon is known for creating Call of Robloxia 5: Roblox At War, a game that has been played over 13 million times. You can probably infer how Lito made it to the list, though did have some additional insight.

“Pretty much all of my wealth was gained through place visits from my game–though I also earned a little through profiting from the ROBLOX Trade Currency”.

“There wasn’t any particular method I used to gain wealth–I started out with the goal of creating a fun game. Maybe not being focused on the money aspect of it helped me gain more in the end. You can get rich in ROBLOX by getting your game on the front page, even if it’s only for one day.”

Citykid9303911 is the creator of Armored Ship Battle, a game that has been played over 4 million times. He’s built quite a fortune for himself on ROBLOX, not just through his game, but through exchanging collectible items as well. Here’s his advice.

“The best way to accumulate wealth is to create new, original, high-quality content that can either be directly sold, or capitalized on by selling special access to premium features. You have to know the community, what people want, and how much they’re willing to pay.”

“You can also get a lot of Robux investing in collectable items, especially with the new trading system. With a lot of patience, you can barter your way up from something that was relatively low in value, to something of high value. It’s all a series of trades that are worth a little more each time you make them.”

Next week, we’ll be talking to the top three wealthiest users on ROBLOX, so stay tuned!