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RGC 2012: Hall of Fame Winners

July 14, 2012

by reesemcblox


RGC 2012 Logo

Becky Herndon and Christina McGrath hosted the 2012 ROBLOX Hall of Fame at ROBLOX Game Conference. With the presentation now in the books, we’re sharing the winners.

In 2011, ROBLOX users created 5.4 million games, 3.1 million models, and more than 250,000 groups, just to name a few of our many startling user-generated content statistics. And already in 2012, users have created 3.8 million games. The point is, inducting users and games into our Hall of Fame for 2012 was no easy task. We solicited feedback from ROBLOX staff and users — we wanted to make sure that you guys got to choose the best and brightest with us. Once again, you, the community, delivered, with over 17,000 responses to our surveys. Check out the winners in the video below!


Hall of Fame recap:

Best RPG: Legend of the Shattered Rune by blob34

Best FPS: Call of ROBLOXIA 5: ROBLOX at War by litozinnamon

Excellence in ConstructionLégèreté de la Liberté by Stuntman007

Most Active Group: Vortex Security by AricLatios

Best Fan Blog: ROBLOX News by arbirator

Best Advertisement: Get Drawn Shirt by LunarEden

Best Video: The Elder Trolls of ROBLOXIA by Dayren

Staff Pick for Game Developer of the Year: crazyman32

User’s Choice User of the Year: Seranok

User’s Choice Game of the Year:  Base Wars: The Land

Game of the Year: Call of ROBLOXIA 5: ROBLOX at War

Congratulations to this year’s winners!