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How to Build a FPS in 15 Minutes with ROBLOX

June 1, 2012

by Andrew Haak

Archive Tutorials

ROBLOX FPS ScreenshotBy the time the ROBLOX Content Team finished developing ROBLOX Base Wars FPS, we had accumulated a number of powerful scripts that quickly turn a standard ROBLOX game into a class-based, first-person shooter (FPS). Recognizing the power of the scripts, we packaged them in a FPS plugin for ROBLOX Studio and put them to the test.

Do they make it possible to create an FPS in 15 minutes?

The answer is a resounding yes. If you don’t believe it, watch this video, in which ROBLOX’s own Luke Weber and Rohan Karnik go from nothing to a fully functioning FPS game in 15 minutes. (We’ve edited the video for brevity.)

[do action=”youtube-iframe” videoid=”5ZhSMhIQ-Kw”/]


The plugin takes care of many FPS essentials, including the first-person camera, five character classes, leaderboards and killfeeds, and capture and spawn points. It lets you focus your efforts on level design; we recommend you read more about that here and take note of these quick thoughts from our developers:

This is the fun part – and where we spent most of our 15 minutes while building the demo level. You’ll want to insert a baseplate or generate random terrain to get started. Then, you can surf through our catalog of millions of digital models published by other ROBLOX users to get scenery and buildings for your map. You can, of course, make your own, but you’ll end up spending more than 15 minutes.

While it’s fun to experiment with bizarre level design, we recommend you think about the goals of your game and plan a layout to match them. For instance, you might want each team to have unique, but balanced advantages so player strategy is different based on their team. With that in mind, you could give one team the benefit of elevation and the other team the advantage of more cover.

You can download the Base Wars FPS plugin today. We’ve also penned a great, step-by-step “15-Minute FPS” tutorial on the ROBLOX Wiki, guiding you through installing the plugin, publishing your FPS game and everything in between.

Give it a try and let us know what you create.