Blog Archive
Every week, we’re busy telling the stories behind our platform, our technology, and our place in the gaming and technology industries. For those of you who catch up with ROBLOX over the weekend, Picking Up the Pieces collects the best stuff to hit our various avenues of publication in the last week.
Video and Image Galleries
We just released a feature that lets ROBLOX users promote their games and places with rich media galleries. It’s the latest in a string of improvements we’re making to our website to help content creators better engage players. Read all about it here. We’ve already seen a number of slick video trailers and we’re anticipating many more. Get some tips and ideas at Video Making 101.
This Week in ROBLOX Tech
To start the week, we talked interpolation and how it’s smoothing the motion of physics objects in network ROBLOX games. It’s a technical article, but engineer Yunpeng Zhu provides videos that speak volumes about the actual impact of our new interpolation code. Erik Cassel explained ROBLOX’s deep testing infrastructure, while Keith Lucas and Matt Dusek went in-depth on how ROBLOX is set up to scale to millions of players.
But Wait, There’s More
If all this somehow leaves you yearning for more, check out the recent ROBLOX feature on
We recently posed this question: What would you rather see in ROBLOX: Hundreds of players per game or virtually unlimited building space and part counts?
We found that about 60 percent of respondents want more building space and higher part counts – also known as bigger, better places. Roughly 17 percent of respondents are looking for more players per game. The few tricksters out there answered “both.” (Cheaters.)
This is useful information for us, and we appreciate the feedback. To contribute your feedback and stay in the news loop, “Like” us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.
Until next time, happy building and gaming.