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Snow time!

December 17, 2011

by Sorcus

Archive News

With full fledged preparations happening all around for Christmas, we whip out some very special snow gear for you, along with your friendly neighborhood Annoying Elf of course! Take a sneak peek at them below and grab them as fast as you can.




Annoying Elf: Finsurf

This week we bring you the elfy side of our very own VP of Finance Finsurf responsible for keeping the lights running at ROBLOX HQ! Watch his Elf-side draw his favorite charts on your screens and make you stronger by the numbers, if you get my drift.





Snowman Cannon

Snowman Cannon

With snow all around you, you must have spent a lot of time crafting your very own snowman. Fortunately, there is an easier way to create them! Using this Snowman Cannon, you can create upto 3 snowmen anywhere and make them throw snowballs at the target you designate.






Deluxe Snowball Cannon 3000

Traditionally, throwing snowballs around as always been a game. But with the latest in the series you can be a winner everytime. The Deluxe Snowball Cannon 3000 allows you to fire multiple snowballs at your opponents at tremendous speeds blasting icy awesomeness all around. Your opponents won’t know what hit them!





Santa’s Sleigh

With a whole world to cover, Santa uses his powerful and magical Sleigh to fly around and award gifts. The Santa’s Sleigh allows you to fly around the place you want, and hey, if you feel like, you can even drop a gift or two to your friends!




Please discuss the new gear items in the forums.

– Sorcus