Blog Archive
With our epic march towards the end of 2011 and the holidays, its time to unleash the Santa powered gear along with the rest! Look out for Santa’s items and of course, the holiday favorite, the Annoying Elf series.
Annoying Elf: ReeseMcblox – This time its the elfy side of your friendly Community Manager ReeseMcblox! Watch her Elf-side make random awesome and annoying things happen around you.
The Merry Avenger – The Merry Avenger is the weapon of choice when you want to avenge the righteous! Watch it slice through enemies and texture them with the glory of the snow!
Holidaysplosion – Celebrating Christmas often involves a lot of arrangement! You move the Christmas tree(s) around, make a some decorations and its a lot of work. Fortunately, here comes the Holidaysplosion, throw one of these at a target area to explode beautiful Christmas arrangements around randomly every time!
Santa’s Jolly Jetpack – while we all know that Santa gets into the house through the Chimney, its not common knowledge as to how he gets out! With his Jolly Jetpack of course! Equip Santa’s powerful Jetpack and have a wonderful and safe flight.
Please discuss the new gear items in the forums.
– Sorcus