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Black Friday Hat Sale – Part 1

November 14, 2011

by Becky "reesemcblox" Herndon

Archive News

Due to the tremendous success of last year’s Black Friday sale- we are pleased to announce that we will be doing it again this year!  This year, we want to know which items you want to be on sale, limited, etc., so we are taking suggestions straight from you!  Between now and Wednesday morning – fill out this survey to let us know which items you want included in this year’s Black Friday sale.

On Thursday, we’ll have a final poll and allow you to vote on the items that were suggested the most in this survey.  Next Monday (November 21st), we’ll announce the winning items from the poll and let you know what will be on sale on Friday (November 25th).  We’ll be having special sales and selling epic items all Thanksgiving weekend, so be sure to check back every day!
